03: TeBeVAT Process

Version 26.4 von Simon Rath am 2022/02/19 20:51

TeBeVAT Process

TeBeVAT process - is a recognition process of informal and non-formal competences and skills for occupations. The process fulfils quality standards that are equal to those found in full qualification programs. The competences and skills meet the contents conveyed of a full qualification on a specific EQF level. 

The TeBeVAT-Process is designed to facilitate learners and developed professionals to collect their learning outcomes, to document and analyse their competences and use this information to create a portfolio for assessment or for future applications strategically. The process, therefore, is divided into six phases: The Identification Phase, the Documentation Phase, the Personal Development Plan, the Assessment, the Appeals Process, and the Certification/Validation.


Figure 1: The TeBeVAT Process: Overview


Figure 1: The TebeVAT Process: ASSESSMENT

Overview TeBeVAT Process Documents
Figure 2: Overview TeBeVAT Process Documents

Erstellt von Simon Rath am 2020/11/11 10:19