01 00 20 04 30 Focus lighting equipment

Version 15.1 von Simon Rath am 2021/01/14 13:57

Focus lighting equipment (01 00 20 04 30)

ESCO description

TitleFocus lighting equipment
Description:Set already installed conventional lighting equipment, based on directions and
information from somebody on the floor.
Scope note:n.a.
Concept URI:http://data.europa.eu/esco/skill/fdc83a3b-0ea5-4c2e-af42-8cc0ffce5670
ESCO version:1.08

In other languages


Lichttechnische Einrichtung ausrichten (Ausrichten der bereits installierten konventionellen Beleuchtungsvorrichtungen auf Grundlage von Anweisungen und Informationen einer unten im Raum stehenden Person.)

Nederlands:verlichtingsapparatuur afstellen (Afstellen van reeds geïnstalleerde conventionele verlichtingsapparatuur, gebaseerd op aanwijzingen en informatie van iemand op de vloer.)

mettere a fuoco le attrezzature di illuminazione (Mettere a fuoco le attrezzature di illuminazione convenzionali già installate, in base alle istruzioni e informazioni da una persona sul pavimento.)

Development notes

Status: In progress / second read / finalised (date)

(The notes below will be removed at the end of the project)



Sectoral layer

(The sector layer contains the refined definition of the ESCO competences in sector specific wording)


Field and subfield:01 00
Place in the process:20
Unique identifier:30


Sectoral detail


  • ...


  • ...


Autonomy / attitude

  • ...


Self assessment

  1. ... [lowest level]
  2. ...
  3. ...
  4. ... [highest level]

Mentor assessment

  1. ... [lowest level]
  2. ...
  3. ...
  4. ... [highest level]

Acceptable assessment methods

[remove methods not used]


[put tips, good practices, requirments, ... for training this competence here]


  • [put references to other competence systems here]
Erstellt von Simon Rath am 2021/01/14 14:37