Changes for page 01 10 40 03 10 Operate follow spots
Last modified by Ivan Kharitonov on 2022/01/30 16:03
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -01 0 020 0430Focuslightingequipment1 +01 10 40 03 10 Operate follow spots - Content
... ... @@ -2,16 +2,15 @@ 2 2 {{toc/}} 3 3 {{/box}} 4 4 5 -= Focuslightingequipment (01 0020 0430) =5 += Operate follow spots (01 10 40 03 10) = 6 6 7 7 == [[ESCO description>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Sectoral layer ESCO description.WebHome]] == 8 8 9 9 (% style="width:691.25px" %) 10 -|(% style="width:179px" %)**[[Title>>path:/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Sectoral%20Layer/Sectoral%20Layer%20Glossary/Title/]]**|(% style="width:509px" %)Focus lighting equipment 11 -|(% style="width:179px" %)**[[Description>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Sectoral layer ESCO description.WebHome]]**:|Set already installed conventional lighting equipment, based on directions and 12 -information from somebody on the floor. 10 +|(% style="width:179px" %)**[[Title>>path:/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Sectoral%20Layer/Sectoral%20Layer%20Glossary/Title/]]**|(% style="width:509px" %)Operate follow spots 11 +|(% style="width:179px" %)**[[Description>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Sectoral layer ESCO description.WebHome]]**:|Use follow spots during a live performance based on visual cues or documentation. 13 13 |(% style="width:179px" %)**[[Scope note>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Scope note.WebHome]]**:|(% style="width:509px" %)n.a. 14 -|(% style="width:179px" %)[[**Concept URI**>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Concept URI.WebHome]]:|(% style="width:509px" %)[[http:~~/~~/ fdc83a3b-0ea5-4c2e-af42-8cc0ffce5670>>]]13 +|(% style="width:179px" %)[[**Concept URI**>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Concept URI.WebHome]]:|(% style="width:509px" %)[[http:~~/~~/>>]] 15 15 |(% style="width:179px" %)[[**ESCO version**:>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.ESCO version.WebHome]]|(% style="width:509px" %)1.08 16 16 17 17 === [[In other languages>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.In other languages.WebHome]] === ... ... @@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ 18 18 19 19 (% style="height:183px; width:1515px" %) 20 20 |(% style="width:185px" %)Deutsch:|(% style="width:1007px" %)((( 21 -** Lichttechnische Einrichtungausrichten** (Ausrichtender bereits installiertenkonventionellenBeleuchtungsvorrichtungenauf Grundlage vonAnweisungenund Informationeneiner unten im Raum stehenden Person.)20 +**Verfolger bedienen** (Bedienen von Verfolgern während einer Live-Darbietung auf der Grundlage visueller Hinweise oder Informationen.) 22 22 ))) 23 -|(% style="width:185px" %)Nederlands:|(% style="width:1007px" %)**v erlichtingsapparatuur afstellen** (Afstellen van reedsgeïnstalleerde conventioneleverlichtingsapparatuur,gebaseerd op aanwijzingeninformatievan iemandopde vloer.)22 +|(% style="width:185px" %)Nederlands:|(% style="width:1007px" %)**volgspots bedienen** (Volgspots (verlichting) tijdens een live-uitvoering bedienen op basis van visuele signalen of documentatie.) 24 24 |(% style="width:185px" %)Italiano:|(% style="width:1007px" %)((( 25 -** mettere a fuoco le attrezzaturediilluminazione**(Mettere a fuocole attrezzaturediilluminazioneconvenzionaligiàinstallate,inbasealleistruzionieinformazionida una personasul pavimento.)24 +**utilizzare un seguipersona **(Utilizzare un seguipersona durante un’esibizione dal vivo sulla base di riferimenti visivi o documentazione.) 26 26 ))) 27 27 28 28 ---- ... ... @@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ 51 51 === [[Structure>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Structure.WebHome]] === 52 52 53 53 (% style="width:618.25px" %) 54 -|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Field and subfield>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Field and subfield.WebHome]]:|(% style="width:347px" %)01 0 055 -|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Place in the process>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Place in the process.WebHome]]:|(% style="width:347px" %) 2056 -|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Level>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Level.WebHome]]:|(% style="width:347px" %)0 457 -|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Unique identifier:>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Unique identifier.WebHome]]|(% style="width:347px" %) 3053 +|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Field and subfield>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Field and subfield.WebHome]]:|(% style="width:347px" %)01 10 54 +|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Place in the process>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Place in the process.WebHome]]:|(% style="width:347px" %)40 55 +|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Level>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Level.WebHome]]:|(% style="width:347px" %)03 56 +|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Unique identifier:>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Unique identifier.WebHome]]|(% style="width:347px" %)10 58 58 59 59 60 60 )))