From version < 16.1 >
edited by Simon Rath
on 2021/01/14 14:14
To version < 18.1 >
edited by Simon Rath
on 2021/01/14 14:28
< >
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
1 -01 00 40 04 50 Operate a lighting console
1 +01 00 60 04 11 Maintain dimmer equipment
... ... @@ -2,16 +2,15 @@
2 2  {{toc/}}
3 3  {{/box}}
4 4  
5 -= Operate a lighting console (01 00 40 04 50) =
5 += Maintain dimmer equipment (01 00 60 04 11) =
6 6  
7 7  == [[ESCO description>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Sectoral layer ESCO description.WebHome]] ==
8 8  
9 9  (% style="width:691.25px" %)
10 -|(% style="width:179px" %)**[[Title>>path:/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Sectoral%20Layer/Sectoral%20Layer%20Glossary/Title/]]**|(% style="width:509px" %)Operate a lighting console
11 -|(% style="width:179px" %)**[[Description>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Sectoral layer ESCO description.WebHome]]**:|Handle a light board during rehearsal or live situations, based on visual cues or
12 -documentation.
10 +|(% style="width:179px" %)**[[Title>>path:/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Sectoral%20Layer/Sectoral%20Layer%20Glossary/Title/]]**|(% style="width:509px" %)Maintain dimmer equipment
11 +|(% style="width:179px" %)**[[Description>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Sectoral layer ESCO description.WebHome]]**:|Check and operate dimmer equipment. Take the appropriate steps if the equipment is defective, correcting the defect yourself or forwarding it to specialised repair service.
13 13  |(% style="width:179px" %)**[[Scope note>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Scope note.WebHome]]**:|(% style="width:509px" %)n.a.
14 -|(% style="width:179px" %)[[**Concept URI**>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Concept URI.WebHome]]:|(% style="width:509px" %)[[http:~~/~~/>>]]
13 +|(% style="width:179px" %)[[**Concept URI**>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Concept URI.WebHome]]:|(% style="width:509px" %)[[http:~~/~~/>>]]
15 15  |(% style="width:179px" %)[[**ESCO version**:>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.ESCO version.WebHome]]|(% style="width:509px" %)1.08
16 16  
17 17  === [[In other languages>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.In other languages.WebHome]] ===
... ... @@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
18 18  
19 19  (% style="height:183px; width:1515px" %)
20 20  |(% style="width:185px" %)Deutsch:|(% style="width:1007px" %)(((
21 -**Lichtsteuerpult bedienen** (Bei Proben oder bei Live-Darbietungen, die auf visuellen Darstellungen oder Dokumentationen beruhen, ein Lichtsteuerpult bedienen.)
20 +**Helligkeitsregler instand halten** (Prüfen und Bedienen von Helligkeitsreglern. Ergreifen geeigneter Maßnahmen bei defekten Reglern, indem der Defekt entweder selbst behoben oder an einen spezialisierten Reparaturdienst weitergeleitet wird.)
22 22  )))
23 -|(% style="width:185px" %)Nederlands:|(% style="width:1007px" %)**bedieningspanelen voor belichting bedienen** (De belichting bedienen tijdens repetities of uitvoeringen, op basis van visuele cues of documentatie.)
22 +|(% style="width:185px" %)Nederlands:|(% style="width:1007px" %)**dimapparatuur onderhouden** (Controleren en bedienen van dimapparatuur. De nodige maatregelen treffen als de apparatuur defect is, het defect zelf corrigeren of het doorsturen naar een gespecialiseerde reparatiedienst.)
24 24  |(% style="width:185px" %)Italiano:|(% style="width:1007px" %)(((
25 -**utilizzare una console per le luci **(Utilizzare un pannello per le luci durante prove o spettacoli dal vivo, sulla base di segnali visivi o documentazione.)
24 +**effettuare la manutenzione dei variatori di luminosità **(Controllare e utilizzare i variatori di luminosità. Prendere gli opportuni provvedimenti se le attrezzature sono difettose, correggendo i difetti personalmente o trasmettendole a un servizio di riparazione specializzato.)
26 26  )))
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... ... @@ -52,9 +52,9 @@
52 52  
53 53  (% style="width:618.25px" %)
54 54  |(% style="width:268px" %)[[Field and subfield>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Field and subfield.WebHome]]:|(% style="width:347px" %)01 00
55 -|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Place in the process>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Place in the process.WebHome]]:|(% style="width:347px" %)40
54 +|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Place in the process>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Place in the process.WebHome]]:|(% style="width:347px" %)60
56 56  |(% style="width:268px" %)[[Level>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Level.WebHome]]:|(% style="width:347px" %)04
57 -|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Unique identifier:>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Unique identifier.WebHome]]|(% style="width:347px" %)50
56 +|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Unique identifier:>>doc:Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Unique identifier.WebHome]]|(% style="width:347px" %)11
58 58  
59 59  
60 60  )))