From version < 54.1 >
edited by Simon Rath
on 2021/01/21 11:01
To version < 48.2 >
edited by Simon Rath
on 2021/01/21 09:42
< >
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Page properties
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
1 -04 50 10 03 10 Plan scaffolding
1 +03 10 40 04 22 Interact with actions on stage
... ... @@ -2,26 +2,26 @@
2 2  {{toc/}}
3 3  {{/box}}
4 4  
5 -= Plan scaffolding (04 50 10 03 10) =
5 += Interact with actions on stage (03 10 40 04 22) =
6 6  
7 7  == [[ESCO description>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Sectoral layer ESCO description.WebHome]] ==
8 8  
9 9  (% style="width:691.25px" %)
10 -|(% style="width:179px" %)**[[(% class="wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink" %)Title>>path:/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Sectoral%20Layer/Sectoral%20Layer%20Glossary/Title/]](%%)**|(% style="width:509px" %)Plan scaffolding
11 -|(% style="width:179px" %)**[[Description>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Sectoral layer ESCO description.WebHome]]** :|Arrange the construction of the scaffolding based on the project, environment and available resources. Apply scaffolding standards and load-bearing properties to make a decision on the structure.
12 -|(% style="width:179px" %)**[[Scope note>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Scope note.WebHome]]** :|(% style="width:509px" %)n / A
13 -|(% style="width:179px" %)[[**Concept URI**>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Concept URI.WebHome]] :|(% style="width:509px" %)[[http:~~/~~/>>]]
14 -|(% style="width:179px" %)[[**ESCO version** :>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.ESCO version.WebHome]]|(% style="width:509px" %)1.08
10 +|(% style="width:179px" %)**[[Title>>path:/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Sectoral%20Layer/Sectoral%20Layer%20Glossary/Title/]]**|(% style="width:509px" %)Mark the information from the ground plans on the stage area
11 +|(% style="width:179px" %)**[[Description>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Sectoral layer ESCO description.WebHome]]**:|Take cues from actions on the stage and interact with them. Take decisions on the exact timing and procedures in a live environment in order to produce a  fluid and consistent performance.
12 +|(% style="width:179px" %)**[[Scope note>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Scope note.WebHome]]**:|(% style="width:509px" %)n.a.
13 +|(% style="width:179px" %)[[**Concept URI**>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Concept URI.WebHome]] :|(% style="width:509px" %)[[http:~~/~~/>>]]
14 +|(% style="width:179px" %)[[**ESCO version**:>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.ESCO version.WebHome]]|(% style="width:509px" %)1.08
15 15  
16 16  === [[In other languages>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.In other languages.WebHome]] ===
17 17  
18 18  (% style="height:183px; width:1515px" %)
19 -|(% style="width:185px" %)German:|(% style="width:1007px" %)(((
20 -**Gerüst planen** (Planung des Baugerüsts auf der Grundlage der Projektart, der Umgebung und der verfügbaren Ressourcen. Entscheidung über die Gerüststruktur aufgrund von Kenntnissen über die Normen für Gerüste und die tragenden Eigenschaften der Bauteile und Scharniere. Erstellung angemessener und umfassender Anleitungen für den Aufbau des Baugerüsts.)
19 +|(% style="width:185px" %)Deutsch:|(% style="width:1007px" %)(((
20 +**in die Bühnenhandlung eingreifen** (Sammeln von Eindrücken aus der Bühnenhandlung und Eingreifen in die Handlung. Entscheiden über den genauen Zeitpunkt und den Ablauf in einem Liveumfeld, um eine fließende und einheitliche Darbietung zu gewährleisten..)
21 21  )))
22 -|(% style="width:185px" %)Nederlands:|(% style="width:1007px" %)**steigers plannen** (De bouw van de steiger plannen, op basis van de aard van het project, de omgeving en de beschikbare middelen. Kennis van steigerstandaarden en van de dragende eigenschappen van de onderdelen en verbindingen gebruiken om een beslissing te nemen over de te bouwen structuur. Passende en uitgebreide instructies ontwikkelen om de steigerconstructie te bouwen.)
22 +|(% style="width:185px" %)Nederlands:|(% style="width:1007px" %)**tussenkomen bij acties op het podium** (Uw aanwijzingen voor acties op het podium opvolgen en ermee communiceren. Een besluit nemen over het exacte tijdstip en de procedure in een live omgeving, om een vlotte en consequente voorstelling te waarborgen.)
23 23  |(% style="width:185px" %)Italiano:|(% style="width:1007px" %)(((
24 -**progettare un ponteggio** (Pianificare la costruzione del ponteggio in funzione della natura del progetto, dell’ambiente e delle risorse disponibili. Applicare la conoscenza degli standard di ponteggio e delle proprietà di sostegno del carico dei componenti e dei giunti per prendere una decisione sulla struttura della costruzione. Elaborare istruzioni adeguate e complete per preparare la costruzione del ponteggio.)
24 +**intervenire con azioni sul palco ** (Prendere spunto da quanto succede sul palcoscenico e interagire. Prendere una decisione sul momento esatto e sulla giusta procedura in un ambiente dal vivo per garantire un’esibizione regolare e coerente.)
25 25  )))
26 26  
27 27  ----
... ... @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
28 28  
29 29  == [[Development notes>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Development notes.WebHome]] ==
30 30  
31 -Status: **In progress** / second read / finalized (date)
31 +Status: **In progress** / second read / finalised (date)
32 32  
33 33  (The notes below will be removed at the end of the project)
34 34  
... ... @@ -50,10 +50,10 @@
50 50  === [[Structure>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Structure.WebHome]] ===
51 51  
52 52  (% style="width:618.25px" %)
53 -|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Field and subfield>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Field and subfield.WebHome]] :|(% style="width:347px" %)04 50
54 -|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Place in the process>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Place in the process.WebHome]] :|(% style="width:347px" %)10
55 -|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Level>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Level.WebHome]] :|(% style="width:347px" %)03
56 -|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Unique identify:>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Unique identifier.WebHome]]|(% style="width:347px" %)10
53 +|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Field and subfield>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Field and subfield.WebHome]]:|(% style="width:347px" %)03 10
54 +|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Place in the process>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Place in the process.WebHome]]:|(% style="width:347px" %)40
55 +|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Level>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Level.WebHome]]:|(% style="width:347px" %)04
56 +|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Unique identify:>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Unique identifier.WebHome]]|(% style="width:347px" %)22
57 57  
58 58  
59 59  )))
... ... @@ -106,10 +106,10 @@
106 106  
107 107  [remove methods not used]
108 108  
109 -* [[Observation in a simulated environment>>url:]]
109 +* [[Observation in simulated environment>>url:]]
110 110  * [[Observation on site>>url:]]
111 111  * [[Role play>>url:]]
112 -* [[Post box exercise>>url:]]
112 +* [[Post Box Exercise>>url:]]
113 113  * [[Structured portfolio>>url:]]
114 114  * [[Criterion based interview>>url:]]
115 115  * [[Oral examination>>url:]]
... ... @@ -118,9 +118,9 @@
118 118  
119 119  ----
120 120  
121 -=== [[training>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Training.WebHome]] ===
121 +=== [[Training>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Training.WebHome]] ===
122 122  
123 -[put tips, good practices, requirements, ... for training this competence here]
123 +[put tips, good practices, requirments, ... for training this competence here]
124 124  
125 125  ----
126 126