Änderungen von Dokument 04 60 10 03 20 Calculate rigging plots
Zuletzt geändert von Ivan Kharitonov am 2022/01/30 16:21
bearbeitet von Randell Greenlee
am 2021/12/08 10:24
am 2021/12/08 10:24
bearbeitet von Simon Rath
am 2021/01/21 12:17
am 2021/01/21 12:17
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -04 60 10 03 20Calculate rigging plots1 +04 60 10 03 10 Design rigging plots - Dokument-Autor
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki.Ra ndellGreenlee1 +XWiki.SimonRath - Inhalt
... ... @@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ 2 2 {{toc/}} 3 3 {{/box}} 4 4 5 -= Calculate rigging plots(04 6010 0320) =5 += Perform regular checks on rigging equipment (04 60 00 03 10) = 6 6 7 7 == [[ESCO description>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Sectoral layer ESCO description.WebHome]] == 8 8 9 9 (% style="width:691.25px" %) 10 -|(% style="width:179px" %)**[[(% class="wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink" %)Title>>path:/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Sectoral%20Layer/Sectoral%20Layer%20Glossary/Title/]](%%)**|(% style="width:509px" %)Calculate rigging plots11 -|(% style="width:179px" %)**[[Description>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Sectoral layer ESCO description.WebHome]]** :| Computedata to determineowthe riggingwill operateduringaperformance.10 +|(% style="width:179px" %)**[[(% class="wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink wikiinternallink" %)Title>>path:/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Sectoral%20Layer/Sectoral%20Layer%20Glossary/Title/]](%%)**|(% style="width:509px" %)Perform regular checks on rigging equipment 11 +|(% style="width:179px" %)**[[Description>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Sectoral layer ESCO description.WebHome]]** :|Execute regular in‐depth checks on rigging equipment at the workshop and make the necessary repairs. 12 12 |(% style="width:179px" %)**[[Scope note>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Scope note.WebHome]]** :|(% style="width:509px" %)n / A 13 -|(% style="width:179px" %)[[**Concept URI**>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Concept URI.WebHome]] :|(% style="width:509px" %)[[http:~~/~~/data.europa.eu/esco/skill/ 2f8c99cc-17a8-40f2-bc3a-f9eb426dbe06>>http://data.europa.eu/esco/skill/2f8c99cc-17a8-40f2-bc3a-f9eb426dbe06]]13 +|(% style="width:179px" %)[[**Concept URI**>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Concept URI.WebHome]] :|(% style="width:509px" %)[[http:~~/~~/data.europa.eu/esco/skill/1bcabfd1-501c-47be-bce7-c1862ad43801>>http://data.europa.eu/esco/skill/1bcabfd1-501c-47be-bce7-c1862ad43801]] 14 14 |(% style="width:179px" %)[[**ESCO version** :>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.ESCO version.WebHome]]|(% style="width:509px" %)1.08 15 15 16 16 === [[In other languages>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.In other languages.WebHome]] === ... ... @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ 17 17 18 18 (% style="height:183px; width:1515px" %) 19 19 |(% style="width:185px" %)German:|(% style="width:1007px" %)((( 20 -** Hängepläne berechnen** (Berechnungder richtigenDaten,um zubestimmen,wie dasRigging beieinerAufführung arbeitet.)20 +**regelmäßig die Takelageausrüstung überprüfen** (In der Werkstatt regelmäßig die Takelageausrüstung eingehend überprüfen und nötige Reparaturen durchführen.) 21 21 ))) 22 -|(% style="width:185px" %)Nederlands:|(% style="width:1007px" %)**r iggingberekenen** (Dejuiste gegevensberekenenom tebepalenhoederiggingtijdenseenvoorstelling werkt.)22 +|(% style="width:185px" %)Nederlands:|(% style="width:1007px" %)**touwwerk of takelwerk regelmatig controleren** (Regelmatig het touw- of takelwerk grondig controleren in de werkplaats en de nodige reparaties verrichten.) 23 23 |(% style="width:185px" %)Italiano:|(% style="width:1007px" %)((( 24 -**c alcolareil funzionamentodeipuntidi sostegno**Calcolare idaticorrettiperdeterminarein che modoilsostegnofunzioneràduranteuna prestazione.)24 +**controllare regolarmente le attrezzature di sostegno** (Eseguire controlli approfonditi e regolari sulle attrezzature di sostegno durante il workshop ed effettuare le necessarie riparazioni.) 25 25 ))) 26 26 27 27 ---- ... ... @@ -45,17 +45,15 @@ 45 45 46 46 (% class="wikigeneratedid" %) 47 47 ((( 48 - ====ScopeNote:====48 +(The sector layer contains the refined definition of the ESCO competences in sector specific wording) 49 49 50 -Some of the health & safety organisations of the Member States have created specific regulations and industry standards that must be adhered to when stage rigging is involved. These must be regarded when applicable. 51 - 52 52 === [[Structure>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Structure.WebHome]] === 53 53 54 54 (% style="width:618.25px" %) 55 55 |(% style="width:268px" %)[[Field and subfield>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Field and subfield.WebHome]] :|(% style="width:347px" %)04 60 56 -|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Place in the process>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Place in the process.WebHome]] :|(% style="width:347px" %) 1054 +|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Place in the process>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Place in the process.WebHome]] :|(% style="width:347px" %)00 57 57 |(% style="width:268px" %)[[Level>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Level.WebHome]] :|(% style="width:347px" %)03 58 -|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Unique identify:>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Unique identifier.WebHome]]|(% style="width:347px" %) 2056 +|(% style="width:268px" %)[[Unique identify:>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Unique identifier.WebHome]]|(% style="width:347px" %)10 59 59 60 60 61 61 ))) ... ... @@ -92,17 +92,17 @@ 92 92 93 93 ==== [[Self assessment>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Self assessment.WebHome]] ==== 94 94 95 -1. Idon't knowhow to computedatato determine how the rigging will operateduring a performance.96 -1. I am uncertain how to compute data to determine how the rigging will operate during a performance.97 -1. I know how to compute data to determine how the rigging will operate during a performance.98 -1. Iam more than able to compute data to determinehow therigging will operateduring a performance.93 +1. ... [lowest level] 94 +1. ... 95 +1. ... 96 +1. ... [highest level] 99 99 100 100 ==== [[Mentor assessment>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Mentor assessment.WebHome]] ==== 101 101 102 -1. ... doesn'tknow how to compute data to determine how the rigging will operateduring a performance.103 -1. ... is uncertain how to compute data to determine how the rigging will operate during a performance.104 -1. ... knows how to compute data to determine how the rigging will operate during a performance.105 -1. ... i s more than ableo computedata to determine how the rigging will operateduring a performance.100 +1. ... [lowest level] 101 +1. ... 102 +1. ... 103 +1. ... [highest level] 106 106 107 107 ==== [[Acceptable assessment methods>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.Acceptable assessment methods.WebHome]] ==== 108 108 ... ... @@ -128,5 +128,4 @@ 128 128 129 129 === [[References>>doc:01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.References.WebHome]] === 130 130 131 -* Germany: IGVW SQO2 - Veranstaltungsrigging Organisation und Arbeitsverfahren / IGVW SQQ2 - Sachkunde für Veranstaltungsrigging 132 -* Germany: DGUV Information 215-313 – Lasten über Personen, Sicherheit bei Veranstaltungen und Produktionen von Fernsehen, Hörfunk, Film, Theater, Messen, Veranstaltungen 129 +* [put references to other competence systems here]