Änderungen von Dokument Concept URI
Zuletzt geändert von Chris Van Goethem am 2021/09/25 16:13
bearbeitet von Chris Van Goethem
am 2021/01/15 10:14
am 2021/01/15 10:14
bearbeitet von Chris Van Goethem
am 2021/09/25 16:13
am 2021/09/25 16:13
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... ... @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 1 -The concept URI is a link to the competence in the ESCO database. It will bring the user directly to the description in it's own language, based on the browser settings. The concept URI is also used as an unique identifier for the ESCO taxonomy and guarantees consistency in the future. 2 - 1 +{{info}}The concept URI is a link to the competence in the ESCO database. It will bring the user directly to the description in it's own language, based on the browser settings. The concept URI is also used as an unique identifier for the ESCO taxonomy and guarantees consistency in the future. 2 +{{/info}} 3 3 === References === 4 4 5 5 * ESCOpedia: [[Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)>>https://ec.europa.eu/esco/portal/escopedia/Uniform_Resource_Identifier__40_URI_41_]]