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... ... @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ 70 70 71 71 == Scoring Tools == 72 72 73 -There could be used a check List and notes about the behaviour of the candidat ewith reference to the expected behaviour. The criteria should be derived from the sectoral layer skills, in other words, they are a concretization of the visible, observable result of the skill in a specific situation. As the situation can differ, the scoring tool will be more general and leave more room for interpretation than other methods.73 +There could be used a check List and notes about the behaviour of the candidat with reference to the expected behaviour. The criteria should be derived from the sectoral layer skills, in other words, they are a concretisation of the visible, observable result of the skill in a specific situation. As the situation can differ, the scoring tool will be more general and leave more room for interpretation than other methods. 74 74 75 75 ---- 76 76 ... ... @@ -78,33 +78,40 @@ 78 78 79 79 == Information for Standard == 80 80 81 -The methodshould includea short description andtheexpectedbehaviour.81 +The standard must describe the specific situations, incentives and expected complexity of the skills to be assessed. 82 82 83 83 == Development == 84 84 85 -The development of an assessment scenario starts from the analysis of the skills that need to be assessed. The scenario reflects a real life situation in which the tested skills are prominently present. Based on the scenario, a list of observable criteria, derived from the competences is created. 85 +The development of an observation in a simulated environment starts with the analysis of the skills that need to be evaluated. Since not every skill can be tested in all variations, representative situations are chosen to reflect the mastery of the general skill. The skills are built into a well-chosen scenario that reflects a real-life experience, but also integrates behavioural incentives and choices. The candidate is asked to perform a task, but the environment limits or alters the way the task is performed. In this way, the candidate must make his/her own decisions. 86 +The activities should reflect different contexts. Often a skill or behavior is built in twice to improve reliability and avoid "false positives". 87 +Assessment facilities must be tested and updated before they are used with "real" candidates. 86 86 87 87 == Needs/Set-Up == 88 88 89 -In most cases a quiet space with a table and some chairs is all that is needed. Depending on the test, documentation can be needed (light plots, sound documentation, …). 91 +This is an observation in a “real life” professional setting. It must be organized as a normal day in the life of the candidate (= working day). One assessor could be acting as a “colleague” the other would assess from a distance. There could also be trained “colleagues” (must not have an assessor qualification), who “work with” the candidate in the observation environment. This is only necessary when a colleague is “physically” necessary to assess the competence at hand. One assessor can't oversee all activities, idealy there are at least two assessors, one who is observing from a distance and a second one observing close. 92 +Technical competence is relatively easy to assess. Knowledge behind the action can be assessed in most cases, if the test is prepared in the proper way. Competences are tested in the “group” working environment, as it is in reality. Several competences can almost always be assessed at one time. The proper atmosphere is very important. 93 +The assessments could be done at educational institutions with the necessary equipment. 90 90 91 91 == Requirements for Assessors == 92 92 93 -Assessors m ustbe abletotruct the actors accordingto thesituation.As observers, theyneedskillsinobserving,diagnosingandevaluatingthe candidate'sbehavior.The assessmentofcompetenciesrequires professionalexpertise.97 +Assessors need competences for valid observations, such as those that can be acquired in observer training courses. They should have a basic knowledge of diagnostics, be able to deal with perceptual effects (e.g. errors of observation and assessment) and be able to recognize their own subjectivity. A professional competence is essential for the evaluation of the candidate's performance against the background of the assessment standard. It is also needed to construct a work situation appropriate to the competences to be assessed. 94 94 95 95 == Examples == 96 96 97 - Thecandidatehasa discussionwitha designer about adesignconcept thatneedsto betranslatedintoa practicalplan. Inthis discussione.g.conceptualandartisticalunderstanding,technicalproblemsolvingandpredictingproblemsand languageusecanbe assessed.101 +For the skill "Working on heights" a candidate should perform several activities on ladders, scaffolding, … Based on a checklist, his/her behaviour is observed. 98 98 99 99 == In Combination with == 100 100 101 - Role Plays can beused incombinationwith apost box exercise, wheretheinformationneededisnot(orlimited)putnpaper,butthecounterpart ispresentingthe informationand thecandidatecanask questionsabouttherequiredresults. It can be complemented with a criteriumfocusedinterviewforskillsthatdidn'tbecome visible.105 +This Method can be combined with a criterion focused interviews to fill the gaps or skills that have not been observed (not negative or positive). It can be combined with a multiple choice or open answer test for knowledge that is not made visible in practice. 102 102 103 103 = References/Notes = 104 104 105 -* Catalogus Assessmentmethodes voor EVC, Agentschap Hoger Onderwijs, volwassenenonderwijs, Kwalificaties en Studietoelagen, Ministery of education and training of the Flemish community (2015). Online: http:~/~/ (last 17.08.2020) 106 -* Eck, C. et al. (2016): Assessment-Center. Entwicklung und Anwendung – mit 57 AC-Aufgaben und Checklisten zum Downloaden und Bearbeiten im Internet. 3. Aufl. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer. 107 -* Obermann, C. (2018): Assessment Center. Entwicklung, Durchführung, Trends. Mit neuen originalen AC-Übungen. 6., vollständig überarb. u. erw. Aufl. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien. 109 +* Catalogus Assessmentmethodes voor EVC, Agentschap Hoger Onderwijs, volwassenenonderwijs, Kwalificaties en Studietoelagen, Ministery of education and training of the Flemish community (2015). Online: [[http:~~/~~/>>]] (last 17.08.2020) 110 +* Jhpiego (2011): Simulation Training for Educators of Health Care Workers. Online: [[http:~~/~~/>>]] (last 05.08.2020) 111 +* Multiprofessional Faculty Development (2012): Teaching and Learning in Simulated Environments. Online: [[https:~~/~~/>>]] (last 05.08.2020) 112 +* Scottish Qualifications Authority (2019): Guide to Assessment. Online: [[https:~~/~~/>>]] (05.08.2020) 113 +* Vincent-Lambert, C. / Bogossian, F. (2006): A guide for the assessment of 114 +* clinical competence using simulation. Online: [[https:~~/~~/>>]] (last 05.08.2020) 108 108 109 109 == AT == 110 110