Änderungen von Dokument Criterion Based Interview
Zuletzt geändert von Ivan Kharitonov am 2022/01/30 17:24
bearbeitet von Chris Van Goethem
am 2020/12/25 13:52
am 2020/12/25 13:52
bearbeitet von Chris Van Goethem
am 2021/01/15 10:14
am 2021/01/15 10:14
Update document after refactoring.
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 - Main.Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.WebHome1 +01 Sectoral Layer.Sectoral Layer Glossary.WebHome - Inhalt
... ... @@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ 12 12 13 13 = Quality Concepts = 14 14 15 -== Validity == 15 +=== Validity === 16 16 17 17 Since all factors are under control, the internal validity of this method is high. The method excludes unpredictability of situation and environment. So, it is easier to ensure safety. Very specific competencies can be tested. Since the behavior of people can change as a result of the observation situation (Hawthorne effect), internal validity is also threatened. This effect can be partially reduced if the work situation is only filmed (indirect observation). Since it is less a real-life situation, the external validity (transferability) of the observed behavior is lower. A good test will reflect real life situations in a controlled environment as much as possible. 18 18 19 -== Reliability == 19 +=== Reliability === 20 20 21 21 The quality of simulated environment observation depends on the accuracy and repeatability of the test setup. 22 22 Simulated environments guarantee equal treatment of candidates, the result should be identical, wherever and by whatever assessors they are conducted. Therefore every candidate is assessed in an identical situation.