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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 - WrittenTest- OpenAnswers1 +Oral Examination - Author
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki. EricDeRuijter1 +XWiki.RandellGreenlee - Content
... ... @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ 1 +{{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}} 2 +{{toc/}} 3 +{{/box}} 4 + 1 1 = Description = 2 2 3 - Openquestions areall questionsforwhichtherearenoansweroptions.Thismeansthat thereisnoinfluencefrom givenansweroptions.Inthe writtentest,thequestionsare answeredinwriting. Open questionscan be usedtoquery information inxtformornumericalnformation(e.g.numberofminutes).Openquestionscanbe used,for example,ifthe understandingofasituationis toassessedorif thenumberofanswer options would betoo large.7 +The oral test is a method of assessing the candidate's spoken word. Here assessor and candidate enter into a spoken interaction. An oral test can take place as a presentation (see AMD Presentation), interrogation or application. The oral test generally does not assess linguistic competence as such, but rather knowledge, understanding and problem solving ability. 4 4 5 -Case studies can be recorded as a sub-form of the written test (open answers). They can be used to simulate everyday working life and the tasks associated with it. The tasks to be solved address a problem common to the industry. Here, analytical and organizational competencies, such as the approach to a difficult problem, are tested. 6 -Case studies measure action orientation, entrepreneurial thinking and understanding of complexity. 7 - 8 8 ---- 9 9 10 10 = Quality Concepts = ... ... @@ -11,19 +11,20 @@ 11 11 12 12 === Validity === 13 13 14 -O penquestionsareusedto checkknowledgeor situationalinterpretation. Thedisadvantageis thatit checksmoretheskilltoexpress yourselfon paperthanitchecksthereal ability toperform inreal life. Itprovesyour know how to act,but not that youareable to act. Answersarechecked againstachecklistbut need interpretation of skilled assessors.15 -O penanswers aremostsuitable in situations,where newinformation shouldbegained,whererespondents shouldnotbeprimedbythegivenresponse-possibilitiesor whereholisticfeedbackisaskedandgivennswerswould significantlylimit theinformative value of theanswer.15 +Oral tests could be valid for assessing e.g. understanding, applied problem solving, interpersonal competence, intrapersonal qualities (confidence, self-awareness, professionalism, ethics) and intergrated practice. 16 +Oral tests are valid if the candidate can demonstrate the competencies that are relevant to the validation process. It must therefore be checked whether the test queries what it should query (face validity). To check the content validity, it must be asked whether the discussed content is part of the required competencies, whether it goes beyond it or whether it is too barely discussed. In order to increase the construct validity of the oral test, the tasks must be in line with the theoretical understanding of the skills of event technology. 16 16 17 17 === Reliability === 18 18 19 -Tests can be intimidating for people who have had bad experiences with these types of tests in previous learning contexts. 20 -Research has shown that dissatisfied people give longer answers to express their dissatisfaction. Thus, the respondent's mood influences the length of the response, which limits reliability. 21 -Different field sizes for the answer to the same question affect reliability. 20 +Reliability can be affected by candidate anxiety, candidate hearing or speech difficulties or assessor bias (e.g. due to gender, ethnicity, language). 21 +In order to standardize the test and increase comparability, a criteria list and an answer key should be created. The fact that the assessor can ask questions can affect reliability. An answer that was only given on request should possibly get fewer points. 22 +In order to increase the reliability, a competence should be tested in different ways. 23 +The use of multiple assessors also increases reliability. 24 +Due to the limited number of questions and the many disruptive factors in the interaction, the oral test is less reliable. 22 22 23 23 == Limitations == 24 24 25 -Since a high degree of formulation competence is required to answer open questions, a poor result cannot necessarily be inferred from an inadequate result. 26 -Open questions are not suitable for measuring practical skills. They are only of limited help when assessing social skills. 28 +Since the time and question options are limited, only a limited amount of knowledge can be queried. Due to disturbing factors (excitement, stress, unusual situation) the method should be used in combination with other methods. 27 27 28 28 ---- 29 29 ... ... @@ -31,18 +31,18 @@ 31 31 32 32 == Tips == 33 33 34 -The questionsshould beclearlyformulated.Itmust beclearto thecandidate what formofansweris expected(e.g.bullet points,smallessay,severaldetails).35 - Withextensivecasestudies,it takesmore timetonalyzethextand answer thequestion.36 - In order to reduce the chance of accidental hits and thus increasereliability, thereshould beseveral independentobservation optionsfor each requirementdimension.36 +The candidates should be informed in advance about the framework conditions of the oral test: e.g. time period, location, requirements and items that are not included. 37 +A criteria list helps the assessors to objectively assess the results of the oral test. The assessors should be aware that inquiries can give unwanted tips. 38 +Candidates should be given sufficient time to answer. 37 37 38 38 == Traps == 39 39 40 -The field sizes for the response should be adjusted according to the expected scope. A reasonable amount of time should be calculated to answer the question. 42 +It should not be the presentation and speaking skills that are assessed, but rather the competencies that are queried as part of the assessment process. 43 +If the oral test is not recorded, the results can be objected afterwards. 41 41 42 42 == Scoring Tools == 43 43 44 -Correction keys can be in place (what the assessors want to see) in order to enable the assessment. 45 -To assess the case study, the assessor uses a model solution (chronologically based on the items in the case study) and an observation sheet (sorted by competencies). The answers given are compared with the model solution. In order to ensure the evaluation objectivity, especially creative answers do not receive additional points. If the required answer has not been given, the candidate can be asked per item. The ticks are then added and entered on an appropriate scale. Finally, the assessors compare the results of their observations with each other in order to record an overall result. 47 +The results of the oral test can usually be evaluated immediately afterwards. A marking guide can be used here, which also serves as a framework for feedback to the candidate. Since it can be difficult to take notes and interview the candidate at the same time, it makes sense to use several assessors. In this case, one can record the conversation while the other is conducting the conversation. Audio or video recording of the oral test is also highly recommended. 46 46 47 47 ---- 48 48 ... ... @@ -50,34 +50,34 @@ 50 50 51 51 == Information for Standard == 52 52 53 -The writtentestwith openanswerdifficulttostandardize.An evaluation of the answers byseveral assessors canncreasethevalidityoftheresults.Amarking guideshouldallowa widerangeofpossible answerswithoutlosingtheprofessionalismofthetest.55 +The created marking guide should be aligned with the competence descriptions of the UNITs. The tasks and questions of the oral test should be precisely formulated in advance and each candidate should be asked the same questions. The candidate's answers are compared with the expected answers from the marking guide. In addition, cues and support that the assessors can provide are defined in advance. 54 54 55 55 == Development == 56 56 57 -The questions shouldbedesigned insuch a waythatit is transparent what the scopeof the answersshould be. The predefined text field can provide the candidate with informationaboutthescopeof theanswer.Thequestionsshouldbe derivedfromtheUNITsofthe competences to bemeasured.Inthe assessment,care should beakennottoassesslinguisticexpression.59 +The development process involves the creation of tasks and questions that are designed to assess the relevant competencies. Expected answers and possible cues are set out in a marking guide. 58 58 59 59 == Needs/Set-Up == 60 60 61 - Besides penandpaper,acomputercan alsobe usedto answer the questions.63 +Depending on the task, a preparation room with writing materials for the candidate, an examination room and technical equipment that is part of the task is required. In addition to the questioning assessor, a minute taker is advisable. 62 62 63 63 == Requirements for Assessors == 64 64 65 - Assessorsneedcomprehensiveskillstoevaluatecomplex texts without bias. Theymust beable toidentifycontentand professional skills despite aackofarticulation. Theassessmentof answers requiresin-depthprofessional expertise.67 +The assessor needs basic skills in conducting unbiased dialogue. He needs professional skills in order to be able to deduce appropriate competencies from the candidate's report according to the marking guide. Professional and pedagogical competences are necessary to create the tasks. 66 66 67 67 == Examples == 68 68 69 -A case st udyispossiblein whichthe candidate describes how he wouldreacthe eventof anaccidentat work.71 +An oral test can be used to test management skills. For example, the candidate should explain in a subtask how to check which materials and equipment are required for a given job. 70 70 71 71 == In Combination with == 72 72 73 -Since the test does not test practical skills, itshould becombinedwithRolePlayor Observation,forexample.The test canbe combinedwithamultiple choice test to test more factual knowledge.75 +Since the oral test does not test practical skills, a combination with corresponding methods like observation or role play is appropriate. 74 74 75 75 = References/Notes = 76 76 77 -* CEDEFOP(2016):EuropäischeLeitlinienfür dieValidierung nichtformalenundmellenLernens.Luxemburg: AmtfürVeröffentlichungenderropäischen Union.78 -* Eck,C.etal.(2016): Assessment-Center.Entwicklung und Anwendung– mit57 AC-Aufgaben und Checklisten zumDownloaden und Bearbeiten imInternet.3. Aufl.Berlin/ Heidelberg:Springer.79 -* Obermann,C. (2018):AssessmentCenter.Entwicklung, Durchführung, Trends.Mitneuen originalen AC-Übungen.6., vollständigüberarb.. erw. Aufl.Wiesbaden:SpringerFachmedien.80 -* Züll,G. (2015): OffeneFragen.Hannover: Leibniz-InstitutfürSozialwissenschaften. Online: [[https:~~/~~/>>]].79 +* Joughin, G. (2010): A short guide to oral assessment. Online: [[https:~~/~~/,213702,en.pdf>>,213702,en.pdf]] (last 21.07.2020). 80 +* Assessment Resource Centre (2014): Types of Assessment Methods. Online: [[https:~~/~~/>>]] (last 21.07.2020). 81 +* Iqbal, I. et al. (2010): The value of oral assessments: A review. Online: [[https:~~/~~/>>]] (last 21.07.2020). 82 +* Centre of Expertise for Higher Education / University of Antwerp (n.d.): Oral tests and objective assessment. Online: [[https:~~/~~/>>]] (last 21.07.2020). 81 81 82 82 == AT == 83 83