test anchor
[References, Self assessment, Criterion Based Interview, Observation on Site, Mentor assessment, Structure, Oral Examination, Training, Profile References, Observation in simulated environment, Place in the process, Sectoral layer, Written test open answers, Acceptable assessment methods, Written Test - Multiple Choice, Units - Lighting Unit - Scope Note, Written test multiple choice, Autonomy - attitude, Unique identifier, Profile description, Sectoral layer ESCO description, Profile scope note, Assessment, Title, Skills, Scope note, Structured Portfolio, Field and subfield, Knowledge, Written Test - Open Answers, Description, Profile Competences, Profile Training, Sectoral detail, Profile title, ESCO version, Profile EQF level, Units - Lighting Unit Description, ESCO reference (if applicable), Oral examination, Post Box Exercise, Sectoral Scope Note, Role Play, Level, In other languages, Development notes, Concept URI]