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Last modified by Simon Rath on 2022/05/15 20:53
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... ... @@ -12,31 +12,20 @@ 12 12 ((( 13 13 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8" %) 14 14 ((( 15 -The TeBeVAT-Process is designed to facilitate learners and developed professionals to collect their learning outcomes, to document and analyse their competences and use this information to create a portfolio for assessment or for future applications strategically. The process, therefore, is divided into six phases: The Identification Phase, the Documentation Phase, the Personal Development Plan, the Assessment, the Appeals Process, and the Certification/Validation.15 +The TeBeVAT-Process is designed to facilitate learners and developed professionals to collect their learning outcomes, to document and analyse their competences and use this information to create a portfolio for assessment or for future applications strategically. 16 16 17 - ==1. Identification Phase==17 +The phases of the TeBeVAT process include the intake of the candidate as the beginning of the certification process, and finish with the handout of the final certification. It is therefore holistically planned and individually applicable. The phases entail the six following steps: The Identification Phase, the Documentation Phase, the Personal Development Plan, the Assessment, the Appeals Process, and the Certification/Validation. 18 18 19 - In the**identificationphase**, thecandidate(the person seekingpartialcertification) can acquire information abouttheprocessandintroducean application. Administrativedocuments,dataprivacy information,and folderswithinformationabouttheproceedingwillbe delivered throughoutthe registration.Inaninitialinterview, theandidate getstoknowthementor.The mentorisakey playerntheprocessand supportsthecandidate.Thementorsresponsiblefortheproperdocumentationof the TeBeVAT process, startingwith thejoint orientationof the candidate regardingthepurposeof the assessmentandthe analysisofexisting competencesto bessessed (Figure2).19 +TeBeVAT not only considers the formal process but provides detailed information regarding the roles of the different stakeholders, e.g., the assessors who assess the competences or the mentor who guides the candidate through the process. The Process also respects not only the quality of the assessment, but it attributes to the individual, i.e., unique learning biographies, unique competence sets and unique personalities. The TeBeVAT project group establishes that the ownership of the recognition process lies in the hand of the learner. 20 20 21 -== 2. Documentation Phase == 22 22 23 - Inthe **documentation phase**, thementorand the trainer propose methods for the assessment, consideringthecompetences to be assessed. Inthe evaluationand self-evaluation step, information about existing competences is collected in the Lifelong-LearningDocument tool. TeBeVAT providestheLifelong-Learning Document tool to take stock of skills and knowledge acquired throughouttheworkinglife. Based on a final discussion, a specific setof competenceswill be identifiedfor assessment(Figure 3).22 +== [[image:Unknown-3||queryString="width=512&height=362" height="481" width="680"]] == 24 24 25 - ==3.PersonalDevelopment Plan==24 +[[Figure 1: The TeBeVAT Process: Overview>>attach:Figure 1: The TeBeVAT Process: Overview]] 26 26 27 - --//Loremipsumdolor sitamet, consecteturadipiscingelit,seddoiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Utenim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laborisnisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderitin voluptatevelit esse cillum dolore eu fugiatnulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.//--26 +[[image:Overview TeBeVAT Process.png||queryString="width=721&height=303" height="303" width="721"]] 28 28 29 -== 4. Assessment == 30 - 31 -In the **assessment phase**, the second critical role, the assessor, will be introduced to the process. It is the assessor’s responsibility to provide for a fair, just, and unbiased assessment of the candidate’s competences, following predefined standards for quality and procedure. Finally, the assessment leads to validation if the assessor deems the result of the assessment sufficient (Figure 5). 32 - 33 -== 5. Appeals Process == 34 - 35 -Via the **appeals process**, the candidate receives the opportunity to appeal against the assessment outcome if unfair treatment or irregularities are being suspected. Conflict resolution for national or EU appeal can be achieved via mediation with the mentor (Figure 6). 36 - 37 -== 6. Certification/Validation == 38 - 39 -Upon finalizing the assessment, a certificate (a digital credential) will be issued certifying the participation in the validation process. The certificate needs to be accepted among all stakehodlers, including employers and national certifying. The issuing authority needs therefore to make sure that all stakeholders recognize the quality of the certificates. 28 +//Figure 2: Overview TeBeVAT Process Documents// 40 40 ))) 41 41 42 42 ... ... @@ -46,30 +46,10 @@ 46 46 {{toc/}} 47 47 {{/box}} 48 48 49 -[[image:grafik.png]] 50 -//Figure 1: [[The TebeVAT Process: ASSESSMENT>>]]// 51 51 52 -[[image:TeBeVAT-Process_Identification_A_220111_EN.jpg||alt="tebevat_process_identification"]] 53 -//Figure 2: //[[(% class="wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink" %)Identification Phase>>attach:TeBeVAT-Process_Identification_A_220111_EN.jpg]] 54 54 55 -[[image:TeBeVAT-Process_Documentation_B_220111_EN.jpg]] 56 56 57 -//Figure 3: //[[(% class="wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink" %)Documentation Phase>>attach:TeBeVAT-Process_Documentation_B_220111_EN.jpg]] 58 58 59 -[[image:TeBeVAT-Process_Development_D_220111_EN.jpg]] 60 - 61 -//Figure 4: //[[(% class="wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink" %)Personal Development Plan>>attach:TeBeVAT-Process_Development_D_220111_EN.jpg]] 62 - 63 -[[image:TeBeVAT-Process_Assessment_C_220111_EN.jpg]] 64 - 65 -//Figure 5: //[[(% class="wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink" %)Assessment>>attach:TeBeVAT-Process_Assessment_C_220111_EN.jpg]] 66 - 67 -[[image:TeBeVAT-Process_Appeals_E_220111_EN.jpg]] 68 - 69 -//Figure 6: //[[(% class="wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink" %)Appeals Process>>attach:TeBeVAT-Process_Appeals_E_220111_EN.jpg]] 70 - 71 -[[image:TeBeVAT-Process_Validation_F_220111_EN.jpg]] 72 - 73 -//Figure 7: //[[(% class="wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink wikiattachmentlink" %)Certification/Validation>>attach:TeBeVAT-Process_Validation_F_220111_EN.jpg]] 42 + 74 74 ))) 75 75 )))
- Overview TeBeVAT Process.png
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