Manage personal professional development (70 11 00 03 20)

ESCO description

TitleManage personal professional development
Description:Take responsibility for lifelong learning and continuous professional development. Engage in learning to support and update professional competence. Identify priority areas for professional development based on reflection about your practice and through contact with peers and stakeholders.
Scope note:n.a.
Concept URI:
ESCO version:1.08

In other languages

Deutsch:die eigene berufliche Entwicklung vorantreiben (Übernehmen von Verantwortung für lebenslanges Lernen und kontinuierliche berufliche Weiterbildung. Beteiligen an Lernaktivitäten, um die berufliche Kompetenz zu unterstützen und auf dem neuesten Stand zu halten. Ermitteln vorrangiger Bereiche für die berufliche Weiterbildung auf Grundlage von Überlegungen zur eigenen Arbeitsweise und durch Kontakte mit Gleichgestellten und Interessenträgern.)
Nederlands:persoonlijke professionele ontwikkeling beheren (Verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor levenslang leren en voortdurende professionele ontwikkeling. Meedoen aan leren om de vakbekwaamheid te ondersteunen en te actualiseren. Identificeren van prioritaire gebieden voor professionele ontwikkeling op basis van reflectie over de eigen praktijk en door contact met collega's en belanghebbenden.)
Italiano:gestire lo sviluppo professionale personale (Assumersi la responsabilità dell’apprendimento permanente e dello sviluppo professionale continuo. Partecipare all’apprendimento per sostenere e aggiornare le competenze professionali. Individuare i settori prioritari per lo sviluppo professionale sulla base di una riflessione sulla pratica propria e il contatto con i propri pari e le parti interessate.)

Development notes

Status: In progress / second read / finalised (date)

(The notes below will be removed at the end of the project)



Sectoral layer

(The sector layer contains the refined definition of the ESCO competences in sector specific wording)


Field and subfield:70 11
Place in the process:00
Unique identifier:20


Sectoral detail


  • Inform oneself about new evolutions in relation to the own function  
  • Identify personal development needs against the needs of the organisation and the current work activities  
  • Identify personal development needs against personal goals  
  • Get and use feedback from others on personal performance to identify personal development needs  


  • New evolutions in relation to the own function and the organisation  

Autonomy / attitude

  • Open‐minded  
  • Motivated to learn and to develop himself 
  • Responsible for ensuring your own development  


Self assessment

  1. ... [lowest level]
  2. ...
  3. ...
  4. ... [highest level]

Mentor assessment

  1. ... [lowest level]
  2. ...
  3. ...
  4. ... [highest level]

Acceptable assessment methods

[remove methods not used]


[put tips, good practices, requirments, ... for training this competence here]


  • [put references to other competence systems here]