Title (70 58 20 04 10) Update design results during rehearsals

ESCO description

TitleUpdate design results during rehearsals
Description:Updating the design results based on observation of the stage image during the rehearsals, especially where the different designs and the action are integrated.
Scope note:n.a.
Concept URI:http://data.europa.eu/esco/skill/43f0bfbb-8cda-4e31-8dcc-9ea479aae08c
ESCO version:1.08

In other languages

Deutsch:Konstruktionen während der Probe aktualisieren (Aktualisierung der Konstruktionen durch Betrachtung des Bühnenbilds während der Probe, insbesondere, wenn die verschiedenen Konstruktionen und die Handlung verflochten sind.)
Nederlands:ontwerpresultaten tijdens repetities bijwerken (Bijwerken van de resultaten van het ontwerp op basis van de waarneming van het zichtbare beeld tijdens de repetities, met name wanneer de verschillende modellen en de actie zijn geïntegreerd.)
Italiano:aggiornare i risultati del progetto durante le prove (Aggiornare i risultati del progetto in base all’osservazione dell’immagine sul palcoscenico durante le prove, in particolare quando i diversi progetti e l’azione sono integrati.)

Development notes

Status: In progress / second read / finalised (date)

(The notes below will be removed at the end of the project)

Assessment / Training / References


Sectoral layer

This skill should be understood in relation to each unit: lighting = lighting design, sound = sound design, and so on... 


Field and subfield:70 58
Place in the process:20
Unique identifier:10


Sectoral detail


  • • Observe rehearsals

    • Analyse the interaction of designs and action

    • Evaluate with the artistic team, the operators and production staff

    • Propose corrections to other designs

    • Propose corrections to action

    • Update the own design

    • Communicate changes


  • Rehearsal process

    • The design concept

    • Techniques and various technical solutions

    • Performance and technical constraints of available technology

    • Requirements for design realisation (e.g. costs, materials, processes, technical and performance constraints)


Autonomy / attitude

  • • Problem-solving approach

    • Respect for the team

    • Respect for the artistic concept/process

  • Patience


Self assessment

  1. I don't know how to ensure that the design results are updated during rehearsals.
  2. I am uncertain how to ensure that the design results are updated during rehearsals.
  3. I know how to ensure that the design results are updated during rehearsals.
  4. I am more than able to ensure that the design results are updated during rehearsals.

Mentor assessment

  1. ... doesn't know how to ensure that the design results are updated during rehearsals.
  2. ... is uncertain how to ensure that the design results are updated during rehearsals.
  3. ... knows how  to ensure that the design results are updated during rehearsals.
  4. ... is more than able to ensure that the design results are updated during rehearsals.

Acceptable assessment methods


Candidates should be confronted with many different situations and scenarios in various venues.


  • TTT/LPT - 30 10 30 01 Update design results during rehearsals Context: Updating the design results based on observation of the stage image