
Welcome to the TeBeVAT-Wiki

TeBeVat develops tools for recognizing previously acquired competences. The core of the project lies in supporting the candidate who wants to have their competences assessed using a structured portfolio based on ESCO competences. The professions and competences in the stage and event sector evolve very quickly. A large part of these competences are taught through informal and non-formal learning. Learning on the work floor is an important part of extra training and specialization. And professionals still grow beyond traditional education systems.

Project Description

By 2018, the EU expects each country to make the necessary arrangements for the recognition of competences acquired through informal or non-formal learning. The TeBeVat project develops tools that assist technicians in having their competences recognized. An important point of attention here is that we connect the various tools to each other and to existing national systems.

he TeBeVat project builds on existing systems and integrates results from previous projects. The project uses ESCO (the European classification of Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Professions), the ECVAET matrix (a competency matrix for “Veranstaltungstechnik” developed in the German speaking EU countries), ECVET (The European Credit System for vocational training and training) and experiences and tools from previous projects (including the assessment centre for technical theatre RITCS and the findings from the ETTE safety project)

The tools are:

  • self-evaluation tool that helps the technician gain insight into his own competences
  • diagnostic visualization tool to further deepen and question your own competences (alone or in group).
  • structured portfolio, with which evidence of competency can be collected in a structured way, which can be validated.
  • A checklist for the job description of the workplace coach or mentor, to fit the intended learning process.
  • training guide with which, based on the analysis of the missing competences, direction can be given to further learning. Specifically, this can be further independent learning, workplace learning, E-learning or modules within the regular curriculum.
  • glossary in which the terminology used is explained and given additional context

Related Projects





This document is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

This document was produced as part of the ERASMUS+ project Teilzertifizierung im Berufsfeld Veranstaltungstechnik 3 - TeBeVAT", Project ID: 2019-1-DE02-KA202-006528.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Creato da Vincent Gyda il 2020/10/03 11:52

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