A Semantic Open Learner Model (SOLM)

A digital infrastructure is needed to sustainably immplement the TeBeVAT process, to ensure the wide adoption and to allow the potential of the validation process to unfold: Having all information online accessable, just one finger tip away via phone, allows an easy documentation and a comfortable control over the progress within the TeBeVAT process.

Data Sources

The application building on the SOLM shall be capable to draw information from various sources and to be interconective to other databases. Not only should updates in the underlying information, e.g. regarding the competences, be automatically incorporated in the application, but also the export and usability of the data collected be maximised. Data that has been entered by the candidate, e.g. photos or videos of work (artifacts), documents drafted or qualifications obtained shall be stored in personal lockers.

Learning Record Store

In the center of the application is the feature called a Learning Record Store. Submittig artifacts of work will be gathered in a portfolion, which can be analysed by the mentor and assessed by the assessor. The portfolio will represent a digital version of the Lifeling Learning Document Tool and feed into the personal development plan.

Learning Record Store

The artifacts submitted can be analysed and matched with job offerings seeking the stated competences. This matching can be facilitated via skills analytics, suppporting also the detection of continuing training opportunities to complement missing competences.


Figure 1: TeBeVAT Learning Record Store


Created by Simon Rath on 2020/11/13 11:26