Distribute control signals (01 00 20 04 26)

ESCO description

TitleDistribute control signals
Description:Circulate control signals between light boards, dimmers and another lighting
equipment. Control systems can be either DMX or network based.
Scope note:n.a.
Concept URI:http://data.europa.eu/esco/skill/40c815cd-30a2-42e5-a549-bf9017cb6df3
ESCO version:1.08

In other languages


Steuerungssignale verteilen (Verteilung der Steuerungssignale zwischen Lichttafeln, Dimmern und anderen Beleuchtungseinrichtungen. Steuerungssysteme sind entweder DMX- oder netzwerkbasiert.)


controlesignalen verspreiden (De controlesignalen verdelen tussen lichtborden, dimmers en andere verlichtingsapparatuur. De controlesystemen kunnen hetzij DMX, hetzij op basis van een netwerk werken.)


distribuire i segnali di controllo (Distribuire i segnali di controllo tra pannelli luminosi, variatori di luminosità e altre apparecchiature per l’illuminazione. I sistemi di controllo possono essere DMX o basati sulla rete.)

Development notes

Status:  final read / finalised (date)

(The notes below will be removed at the end of the project)



Sectoral layer

(The sector layer contains the refined definition of the ESCO competences in sector specific wording)


Field and subfield:01 00
Place in the process:20
Unique identifier:26


Sectoral detail


  • Interpret technical drawings, schemes and written documentation
  • Place control cables
  • Place, address and set-up mergers, splitters and amplifiers
  • Test control signals


  • Symbols and drawing methods for technical drawings, schemes and written documentation
  • Use of operating protocols, consoles, dimmers and lighting equipment

Autonomy / Attitude

  • Accuracy
  • Problem-solving approach


Self assessment

  1. I don't know how to circulate control signals between light boards, dimmers and other lighting equipment.
  2. I am uncertain how to circulate control signals between light boards, dimmers and other lighting equipment.
  3. I know how to circulate control signals between light boards, dimmers and other lighting equipment.
  4. I am more than able to circulate control signals between light boards, dimmers and other lighting equipment.

Mentor assessment

  1. ... doesn't know how to circulate control signals between light boards, dimmers and other lighting equipment.
  2. ... is uncertain how to circulate control signals between light boards, dimmers and other lighting equipment.
  3. ... knows how to circulate control signals between light boards, dimmers and other lighting equipment.
  4. ... is more than able to circulate control signals between light boards, dimmers and other lighting equipment.

Acceptable assessment methods


Training should take place on site or in a simulated environment. Trainees should have experience with different boards/consoles (type/manufacturer) and different control signals. Innovation is fast – trainers should be knowledgable of the most current signal formats and accessories.


  • Germany: Fachkraft für Veranstaltungstechnik – Event Technology Specialist - Learning Area A: Skills, Knowledge and Competences – (Item 5.b) Light scenes, configure and set up lighting desks, carry out lighting rehearsals, Apply and patch complex lighting instruments in the desk – BiBB Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, AUSBILDUNG GESTALTEN - Fachkraft für Veranstaltungstechnik, Bonn 2017, ISBN: 978-3-7639-5873-3 (Print), ISBN: 978-3-96208-021-1 (PDF)
  • Netherlands: Qualification File Stage and Event Technology, crebonumber 79040, learning area B1-K1-W5: Levert lichtinstallatie werkend op.  SBB, Sectorchambre ICT and Creative Industry, version 2022 (to be released August 2022), Zoetermeer 2021.