03 20 40 05 10 Operate automated stage movement control system
Operate automated stage movement control system (03 20 40 05 10)
ESCO description
Title | Operate automated stage movement control system |
Description : | Handle an automated controlling system for stage movement and flying systems. Prepare and program the system including multiple synchronised movements. |
Scope note : | n / A |
Concept URI : | http://data.europa.eu/esco/skill/688e1fc3-cb58-4d56-85a0-97b84f37fb4a |
ESCO version : | 1.08 |
In other languages
German: | Kontrollsysteme für automatisierte Bühnentechnik bedienen (Bedienen eines Kontrollsystems für automatisierte Bühnentechnik und Flugsteuerung. Vorbereiten und Programmieren des Systems, einschließlich mehrerer synchronisierter Bewegungen.) |
Nederlands: | automatische controlesystemen voor verplaatsingen op het podium bedienen (Een geautomatiseerd controlesysteem voor verplaatsingen op het podium en vliegsystemen bedienen. Het systeem voorbereiden en programmeren, met inbegrip van meerdere gesynchroniseerde bewegingen.) |
Italiano: | utilizzare un sistema di controllo dei movimenti automatici sul palco (Utilizzare un sistema di controllo automatico per i movimenti e i sistemi di volo sul palcoscenico. Preparare e programmare il sistema, compresi movimenti multipli sincronizzati.) |
Development notes
Status: In progress / second read / finalized (date)
(The notes below will be removed at the end of the project)
Sectoral layer
This refers to complex, automated systems. In some European countries, this competence requires specific skills and knowledge not included in the general education of an event technology specialist.
Field and subfield : | 03 20 |
Place in the process : | 40 |
Level : | 05 |
Unique identify: | 10 |
Sectoral detail
- Ensure visibility
- Read performance documentation and understand written directions
- Respond to visual or audio cues run independently as well as under instruction
- Anticipate stage actions react accurately to unexpected situations
- Correct movements based on performance requirements
- Act on faults and problems during operation delivering consistent performance
- Operational procedures of control systems
- Error fixing procedures
- Awareness of artistic concept
Autonomy / Attitude
- Safety awareness
- Awareness of raised levels of risk
- Respect for safety warnings and instructions
- Able to follow instructions and procedures
Self assessment
- I don't know how to handle an automated controlling system for stage movement and flying systems. prepare and program the system including multiple synchronised movements.
- I am uncertain how to handle an automated controlling system for stage movement and flying systems. prepare and program the system including multiple synchronised movements.
- I know how to handle an automated controlling system for stage movement and flying systems. prepare and program the system including multiple synchronised movements.
- I am more than able to handle an automated controlling system for stage movement and flying systems. prepare and program the system including multiple synchronised movements.
Mentor assessment
- ... doesn't know how to handle an automated controlling system for stage movement and flying systems. prepare and program the system including multiple synchronised movements.
- ... is uncertain how to handle an automated controlling system for stage movement and flying systems. prepare and program the system including multiple synchronised movements.
- ... knows how to handle an automated controlling system for stage movement and flying systems. prepare and program the system including multiple synchronised movements.
- ... is more than able to handle an automated controlling system for stage movement and flying systems. prepare and program the system including multiple synchronised movements.
Acceptable assessment methods
- Observation in a Simulated Environment
- Observation on Site
- Post Box Exercise
- Criterion Based Interview
- Supportive:
- Structured Portfolio
Training must be done on site(s) using different control systems and equipment under guidance of certified specialists.
- TTT/LPT - 04 00 40 01 Operate a complex control system for movement during performance – Page 114