05 10 40 05 20 Mix live images
Last modified by Randell Greenlee on 2022/02/04 07:19
Mix live images (05 10 40 05 20)
ESCO description
Title | Mix live images |
Description: | Follow video streams of a live event and mix them together using specialised equipment and software. |
Scope note: | n.a. |
Concept URI: | http://data.europa.eu/esco/skill/bb979b3b-8292-409f-8c27-b17e13bab8bb |
ESCO version: | 1.08 |
In other languages
Deutsch: | Live-Bilder mischen (Verfolgen verschiedener Videoaufnahmen einer Live-Veranstaltung und Mischen dieser Aufnahmen unter Verwendung von Spezialausrüstung und Software.) |
Nederlands: | rechtstreekse beelden mixen (Verschillende videostreams van een live-evenement volgen en ze mixen met behulp van gespecialiseerde apparatuur en software.) |
Italiano: | combinare immagini in diretta (Seguire diversi flussi di video di un evento dal vivo e mixarli tra loro utilizzando attrezzature e software specializzati.) |
Development notes
Status: final read / finalised (date)
(The notes below will be removed at the end of the project)
Sectoral layer
Scope note
In the TeBeVAT context, this competence is understood in the level 4: a simple video mixing console in a live performance situation. The ESCO definition can also be misunderstood: Streaming media is multimedia streamed to an end-user – Live streaming is media broadcast in real-time to an end-user. The proper term would be video content.
Field and subfield: | 05 10 |
Place in the process: | 40 |
Level: | 05 |
Unique identifier: | 20 |
Sectoral detail
- Read performance documentation and understand written directions
- Respond to visual or audio cues
- Run cues
- Anticipate stage actions
- React accurately to unexpected situations
- Correct outputs based on performance requirements
- Understands the operation of a video boards/consoles
- Understands the operation of content sources and devices
Autonomy / Attitude
- Being able to act on own initiative
- Accuracy
Self assessment
- I don't know how to follow video streams of a live event and mix them together using specialised equipment and software.
- I am uncertain how to follow video streams of a live event and mix them together using specialised equipment and software.
- I know how to follow video streams of a live event and mix them together using specialised equipment and software.
- I am more than able to follow video streams of a live event and mix them together using specialised equipment and software.
Mentor assessment
- ... doesn't know how to follow video streams of a live event and mix them together using specialised equipment and software.
- ... is uncertain how to follow video streams of a live event and mix them together using specialised equipment and software.
- ... knows how to follow video streams of a live event and mix them together using specialised equipment and software.
- ... is more than able to follow video streams of a live event and mix them together using specialised equipment and software.
Acceptable assessment methods
- Observation in a Simulated Environment
- Observation on Site
- Supportive:
- Structured Portfolio
- Criterion Based Interview
It is necessary that routines in mixing live images in different situations and environments are performed. Different content sources and devices should be trained.
- Germany: Fachkraft für Veranstaltungstechnik – Event Technology Specialist - Learning Area A: Skills, Knowledge and Competences – (Item 6a) Implement schedules and cuesheets, in particular, operate lighting desks, sound mixing desks as well as stage and scenic equipment, using projections and sound takes, Adjust settings depending on the situation; Ensure functionality, Monitor scene changes – BiBB Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, AUSBILDUNG GESTALTEN - Fachkraft für Veranstaltungstechnik, Bonn 2017, ISBN: 978-3-7639-5873-3 (Print), ISBN: 978-3-96208-021-1 (PDF)
- Netherlands: Qualification File Stage and Event Technology, crebonumber 79040, learning area P3-K2-W4: Bedient beeldtechniek tijdens de uitvoering van de podiumproductie. Sectorchambre ICT and Creative Industry, version 2022 (to be released August 2022), Zoetermeer 2021.