06 30 00 04 10 Store pyrotechnical materials
Last modified by Randell Greenlee on 2022/02/04 07:30
Store pyrotechnical materials (06 30 00 04 10)
ESCO description
Title | Store pyrotechnical materials |
Description: | Safely store materials used for pyrotechnical stage effects. |
Scope note: | n.a. |
Concept URI: | http://data.europa.eu/esco/skill/f0a393f2-1427-4252-9124-410829e4b510 |
ESCO version: | 1.08 |
In other languages
Deutsch: | pyrotechnisches Material lagern (Sichere Lagerung von Material, das für pyrotechnische Bühneneffekte verwendet wird.) |
Nederlands: | pyrotechnisch materiaal opslaan (Veilig opslaan van materiaal dat wordt gebruikt voor pyrotechnische effecten.) |
Italiano: | immagazzinare i materiali pirotecnici (Immagazzinare in condizioni di sicurezza i materiali utilizzati per effetti pirotecnici teatrali.) |
Development notes
Status: In progress / second read / finalised (date)
(The notes below will be removed at the end of the project)
Sectoral layer
(The sector layer contains the refined definition of the ESCO competences in sector specific wording)
Field and subfield: | 06 30 |
Place in the process: | 00 |
Level: | 04 |
Unique identifier: | 10 |
Sectoral detail
- Store pyrotechnical materials in an adapted cabinet or space
- Check labels of pyrotechnical materials
- Make an inventory of pyrotechnical materials , including the safety sheets
- Protect against ignition sources
- Protect against “unauthorized persons”
- Ensure ventilation
- Avoid combination of interfering products
- Control spillage
- Local regulations and procedures
- Local laws and legislation
Autonomy / Attitude
- Awareness of raised levels of risk
- Respect for safety warnings and instructions
- Concentration
Self assessment
- I don't know how to safely store materials used for pyrotechnical stage effects.
- I am uncertain how to safely store materials used for pyrotechnical stage effects.
- I know how to safely store materials used for pyrotechnical stage effects.
- I am more than able to safely store materials used for pyrotechnical stage effects.
Mentor assessment
- ... doesn't know how to safely store materials used for pyrotechnical stage effects.
- ... is uncertain how to safely store materials used for pyrotechnical stage effects.
- ... knows how to safely store materials used for pyrotechnical stage effects.
- ... is more than able to safely store materials used for pyrotechnical stage effects.
Acceptable assessment methods
- Observation in a Simulated Environment
- Observation on Site
- Supportive:
- Structured Portfolio
- Criterion Based Interview
- Oral Examination
- Written Test Multiple Choice
- Written Test Open Answers
Initial training can best be done in a safe environment, using mock-up or household products. The focus should lay on awareness and active use of available information. In a later practice stage, the learner has to be informed, monitored and corrected every time new pyrotechnical materials are used.
- [put references to other competence systems here]