Professional transition in an arts career (KNO01)

ESCO description

Titleprofessional transition in an arts career
Description:Be aware of the structure of a professional career, including instruction, professional performance, and professional transition. Assess the current stage of your career and possible trends based on your age, professional background, achievements etc. Be aware of the reality of professional transition, instruction, financial and advice needs.
Scope note:[put ESCO scope note here]
Concept URI:
ESCO version:1.1.0

In other languages

Deutsch:professioneller Einstieg in eine künstlerische Karriere
Nederlands:professionele overstap naar een carrière in de kunsten
Italiano:transizione professionale in una carriera nel settore delle arti

Development notes

Status: In progress / second read / finalised (date)

(The notes below will be removed at the end of the project)

in progress skr


Sectoral layer

(The sector layer contains the refined definition of the ESCO competences in sector specific wording)


Field and subfield:00 00
Place in the process:00
Unique identifier:00


Sectoral detail


  • knowledge about the structure of a professional career
  • knowledge about information sources about trends in the field of profession
  • knowledge about professional transition framework


Self assessment

  1. I don't know how to be aware of the structure of a professional career, including instruction, professional performance, and professional transition; assess the current stage of my career and possible trends based on my age, professional background, achievements etc.; be aware of the reality of professional transition, instruction, financial and advice needs.
  2. I am uncertain how to be aware of the structure of a professional career, including instruction, professional performance, and professional transition; assess the current stage of my career and possible trends based on my age, professional background, achievements etc.; be aware of the reality of professional transition, instruction, financial and advice needs.
  3. I know how to be aware of the structure of a professional career, including instruction, professional performance, and professional transition; assess the current stage of my career and possible trends based on my age, professional background, achievements etc.; be aware of the reality of professional transition, instruction, financial and advice needs.
  4. I am more than able to be aware of the structure of a professional career, including instruction, professional performance, and professional transition; assess the current stage of my career and possible trends based on my age, professional background, achievements etc.; be aware of the reality of professional transition, instruction, financial and advice needs.

Mentor assessment

  1. ... doesn't know how to be aware of the structure of a professional career, including instruction, professional performance, and professional transition; assess the current stage of his/her career and possible trends based on his/her age, professional background, achievements etc.; be aware of the reality of professional transition, instruction, financial and advice needs.
  2. ... is uncertain how to be aware of the structure of a professional career, including instruction, professional performance, and professional transition; assess the current stage of his/her career and possible trends based on his/her age, professional background, achievements etc.; be aware of the reality of professional transition, instruction, financial and advice needs.
  3. ... knows how to be aware of the structure of a professional career, including instruction, professional performance, and professional transition; assess the current stage of his/her career and possible trends based on his/her age, professional background, achievements etc.; be aware of the reality of professional transition, instruction, financial and advice needs.
  4. ... is more than able to be aware of the structure of a professional career, including instruction, professional performance, and professional transition; assess the current stage of his/her career and possible trends based on his/her age, professional background, achievements etc.; be aware of the reality of professional transition, instruction, financial and advice needs.

Acceptable assessment methods

[remove methods not used]


classroom course


  • [put references to other competence systems here]