Last modified by Vincent Gyda on 2021/01/15 10:37
Attitudes describe the disposition and mindset to act or react to ideas, persons or situations.
Source: Key competences for lifelong learning, EU, 2019
DE Einstellung
Einstellungen beschreiben die Disposition und Denkweise, um auf Ideen, Personen oder Situationen zu reagieren oder zu handeln.
Quelle: Key competences for lifelong learning, EU, 2019
IT atteggiamenti
Gli atteggiamenti descrivono la disposizione e la mentalità ad agire o reagire a idee, persone o situazioni.
Fonte: Key competences for lifelong learning, EU, 2019
NL attitude
Attitudes beschrijven de neiging en mentaliteit om te handelen of te reageren op ideeën, personen of situaties.
Bron: Key competences for lifelong learning, EU, 2019