lighting equipment
Last modified by Vincent Gyda on 2021/01/15 10:37
lighting equipment
Luminaires, accessories, dimmers, and other components of a stage lighting system.
Source: based on Digital Theater Words (OISTAT, updated 2016)
DE Beleuchtungsausstattung
Scheinwerfer, Zubehör, Dimmer und alle anderen Komponenten der Beleuchtungsanlage.
Quelle: basierend auf Digital Theater Words (OISTAT, updated 2016)
IT attrezzatura per l'illuminazione
Apparecchi, accessori, dimmer e altri componenti di un sistema di illuminazione per palcoscenico.
Fonte: adattato da Digital Theater Words (OISTAT, updated 2016)
NL belichtingsapparatuur
Armaturen, accessoires, dimmers en andere componenten van een theaterbelichtingssysteem.
Bron: gebaseerd op Digital Theater Words (OISTAT, updated 2016)