The term has two meanings:
1. A form of knowledge exchange where a professional exchanges his practical experience with a group of students in order to enable them to acquire the same skills, knowledge or know-how.
2. A place in which goods are manufactured or repaired.
Source: adapted from Lexikon Eventmanagement (Oliver Henschel, 2. Auflage 2010)
DE Workshop
Der Begriff hat zwei Bedeutungen:
1. Eine Form des Wissensaustauschs, bei dem ein Fachmann seine praktischen Erfahrungen mit einer Gruppe von Studenten austauscht, um ihnen die gleichen Fähigkeiten, Kenntnisse oder das gleiche Know-how zu vermitteln.
2. Ein Ort, an dem Waren hergestellt oder repariert werden.
Quelle: Lexikon Eventmanagement (Oliver Henschel, 2. Auflage 2010)
IT laboratorio / workshop
Il termine ha due significati:
1. Una forma di scambio di conoscenze in cui un professionista scambia la sua esperienza pratica con un gruppo di studenti per consentire loro di acquisire le stesse abilità o conoscenze.
2. Luogo in cui le merci vengono prodotte o riparate.
Fonte: adattato da Lexikon Eventmanagement (Oliver Henschel, 2. Auflage 2010)
NL workshop
Het begrip heeft twee betekenissen:
1. Een vorm van kennisuitwisseling waarbij een professional zijn praktische ervaring uitwisselt met een groep studenten om hen in staat te stellen dezelfde vaardigheden, kennis of knowhow te verwerven.
2. Een ruimte waar goederen worden vervaardigd of gerepareerd
Bron: gebaseerd op Lexikon Eventmanagement (Oliver Henschel, 2. Auflage 2010)
alphabetical index for each term
accreditation of an education or training programme |
adult education |
amplifier |
appeal |
apprenticeship |
artistic concept |
artistic director |
artists |
assessment |
assessment of learning outcomes assessment of prior learning attitude |
audiovisual (AV) |
awarding body |
base plate |
basic skills |
benefits of education and training |
budget |
certificate / diploma / title |
certification of learning outcomes |
chain hoist / motor |
chemicals / work with chemicals |
client |
coaching |
code of contact |
comparability of qualifications |
compensatory learning |
competence |
compulsory education |
continuing education and training |
costs |
credit system |
cue |
cue sheet / cue list |
cultural sponsoring / cultural partners |
deadline |
design costs (DTC) |
digital competence / digital literacy |
dimmer |
director of photography |
dropout |
education or training path |
e-learning |
emerging / new skills |
employability |
ergonomics / ergonomically |
Europass |
European credit system for vocational education and training (ECVET) |
European credit transfer and accumulation system (ECTS) |
European governance |
European qualifications framework for lifelong learning (EQF) |
European quality assurance in vocational education and training (EQAVET) |
European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO) |
evaluation of education and training |
feasibility |
fire intervention / prevention |
first aid |
flight case / transport cas |
flybar / batten / pipe / bar |
fly schedule / hanging plot / rigging plot |
flying harness |
flying systems |
flying system for performers |
follow spots |
forklift |
formal learning |
generator |
Genie lift / telehandler / cherry picker / man lift / personell lift / telescope / worker lift |
ground plan / plan view / top view |
guidance towards asessment |
guidance and counselling |
health and safety |
human capital |
hygienical standards |
image |
individual learning account |
informal learning |
initial education |
job |
job placement |
key competences |
know-how |
knowledge |
learning |
learning by using |
learning content |
learning organisation |
learning outcomes |
Learning Record Store (LRS) |
level of qualification |
lifelong learning |
Life-Long-Learning Document Tool (LLDT) |
lifewide learning |
lighting |
lighting console |
lighting control system |
lighting designer |
lighting director |
lighting equipment |
lighting plan / lighting plot |
lighting stand |
lighting state |
local authorities |
mixer / sound control board |
material rescources / technical rescources |
media server |
mentoring |
moving light / intelligent light |
multitrack recording (MTR) |
musical score / orchestra score |
mutual recognition of qualifications |
networking |
non-formal learning |
occupation |
ombud |
onstage electrical |
Open Learner Model (OLM) |
open learning |
operational budget |
organisational policies |
outrigger |
overqualification |
pallet jack / pallet truck |
permeability of education training systems |
personal development plan |
personal protection equipment |
personal work environment |
pipe / flybar |
play script / script |
power (electric) |
power distribution / mains power |
prioritizing / to prioritize |
production schedule / project schedule |
professional development |
programme of education or training |
project budget |
projection equipment |
projection screen |
promotion |
prompt book |
prop |
pyrotechnics |
qualification |
qualification system |
qualifications framework |
quality control |
recognition of learning outcomes |
recording / to record |
regulated profession |
rehearsel / to rehearse |
resource planning |
retraining |
rigging |
rope access |
safety rail /guard rail |
safe working practices |
scaffolding / scaffold / staging |
set designer / scenographer |
scenography |
seating chart / seating plan |
self regulated learning process |
set up / set builder / build |
show control |
skill |
skill gap |
skill needs |
skill obsolescence |
skill shortage |
skills audit |
sound check / voice test |
sound designer |
sound mixing |
sound operator / sound board operator |
sound reinforcement system |
sound system |
special effect |
special needs education |
stage deck / stage floor |
stage directions |
stage lighting |
stage manager |
stagehand |
stakeholder |
standard |
sustainability |
teacher |
technical crew |
TeBeVAT Certification |
TeBeVAT Compass |
TeBeVAT Identification |
TeBeVAT Institution |
TeBeVAT Mentor |
TeBeVAT Portfolio |
TeBeVAT Tools |
technical documentation |
temporary structures |
toe board |
trainer |
training course planning and design |
training needs analysis |
training of trainers |
transparency of qualifications |
truss |
tutoring |
underqualification |
unit of learning outcomes |
upskilling |
validation of learning outcomes |
valuing learning |
vocational education and training (VET) |
wireless systems |
work-based learning |
workshop |