Prevent technical problems with scenic elements (03 00 20 04 30)

ESCO description

TitlePrevent technical problems with scenic elements
Description:Anticipate possible technical problems with scenic elements.
Scope note:n.a.
Concept URI:
ESCO version:1.08

In other languages


technischen Problemen an Elementen des Bühnenbildes vorbeugen (Antizipieren möglicher technischer Probleme an Elementen des Bühnenbildes.)


technische problemen bij decorelementen voorkomen (Anticiperen op mogelijke technische problemen bij decorelementen.)


prevenire i problemi tecnici degli elementi scenici (Anticipare eventuali problemi tecnici degli elementi scenici.)

Development notes

Status: In progress / second read / finalised (date)

(The notes below will be removed at the end of the project)



Sectoral layer

(The sector layer contains the refined definition of the ESCO competences in sector specific wording)


Field and subfield:03 00
Place in the process:20
Unique identifier:30


Sectoral detail


  • check the functioning of the set elements
  • detect changes in the functioning of scenic elements
  • take preventative action
  • update documentation


  • basic knowledge of scenic construction and assembly

Autonomy / attitude

  • Being proactive
  • Able to act on own initiative
  • Safety awareness


Self assessment

  1. I don't know how to anticipate possible technical problems with scenic elements.
  2. I am uncertain how to anticipate possible technical problems with scenic elements.
  3. I know how to anticipate possible technical problems with scenic elements.
  4. I am more than able to anticipate possible technical problems with scenic elements.

Mentor assessment

  1. ... doesn't know how to anticipate possible technical problems with scenic elements.
  2. ... is uncertain how to anticipate possible technical problems with scenic elements.
  3. ... knows how to anticipate possible technical problems with scenic elements.
  4. ... is more than able to anticipate possible technical problems with scenic elements.

Acceptable assessment methods


These competences must be trained either on site or in a fitting simulated environment using common equipment and scenic elements. Candidates need to gain experience with different technical problems with different scenic elements.


  • TTT/LPT - 03 00 00 03 Foresee and prevent technical problems with scenic elements - Page 96