React to emergency situations in a live performance environment (60 50 00 05 21)

ESCO description

TitleReact to emergency situations in a live performance environment
Description:Assess and react to an emergency, such as fires, threats, accidents or other
calamities by alerting emergency services and by taking appropriate measures to safeguard or evacuate workers, participants, visitors or audience according to established procedures.
Scope note:n.a.
Concept URI:
ESCO version:1.08

In other languages

Deutsch:auf Notfallsituationen während einer Live-Veranstaltung reagieren (Bewertung und Reaktion in einer Notfallsituation (Brand, Bedrohung, Unfall oder andere Katastrophen), Alarmierung von Rettungsdiensten und Ergreifen geeigneter Maßnahmen zum Schutz von Arbeitnehmern, Teilnehmern, Besuchern oder Zuhörern oder zur Evakuierung gemäß den festgelegten Verfahren.)
Nederlands:reageren op noodsituaties tijdens een live-voorstelling (Beoordelen en reageren op een noodsituatie (brand, dreiging, ongeval of andere calamiteit), hulpdiensten alarmeren en het nemen van passende maatregelen om werknemers, deelnemers, bezoekers of publiek te beschermen of te evacueren volgens de vastgestelde procedures.)
Italiano:reagire a situazioni di emergenza durante uno spettacolo dal vivo (Valutare e reagire a un’emergenza (incendio, minaccia, incidente o altra calamità), allertando i servizi di emergenza e adottando le misure appropriate al fine di salvaguardare o evacuare i lavoratori, i partecipanti, i visitatori o il pubblico secondo le procedure stabilite.)

Development notes

Status: In progress / second read / finalised (date)

(The notes below will be removed at the end of the project)

Training / References


Sectoral layer

Assess and react to an emergency (fire, threat, accident or another calamity), alerting emergency services and taking appropriate measures to safeguard or

evacuate workers, participants, visitors or audience according to the established procedures.


Field and subfield:60 50
Place in the process:00
Unique identifier:21


Sectoral detail


  • assess the local situation in advance

    assess the emergency situation

    act in accordance to emergency procedures

    react to emergency situations in time-critical environments

    communicate in an emergency situation

    ensure the physical security of yourself and others


  • critical factors in regard to local situations

    evacuation and emergency procedures

    crowd management in an emergency situation

Autonomy / attitude

  • safety awareness

  • being proactive

  • awareness of other people's behaviour


Self assessment

  1. I don't know how to assess and react to an emergency, such as fires, threats, accidents or other calamities by alerting emergency services and by taking appropriate measures to safeguard or evacuate workers, participants, visitors or audience according to established procedures.
  2. I am uncertain how to assess and react to an emergency, such as fires, threats, accidents or other calamities by alerting emergency services and by taking appropriate measures to safeguard or evacuate workers, participants, visitors or audience according to established procedures.
  3. I know how to assess and react to an emergency, such as fires, threats, accidents or other calamities by alerting emergency services and by taking appropriate measures to safeguard or evacuate workers, participants, visitors or audience according to established procedures.
  4. I am more than able to assess and react to an emergency, such as fires, threats, accidents or other calamities by alerting emergency services and by taking appropriate measures to safeguard or evacuate workers, participants, visitors or audience according to established procedures.

Mentor assessment

  1. ... doesn't know how to assess and react to an emergency, such as fires, threats, accidents or other calamities by alerting emergency services and by taking appropriate measures to safeguard or evacuate workers, participants, visitors or audience according to established procedures.
  2. ... is uncertain how to assess and react to an emergency, such as fires, threats, accidents or other calamities by alerting emergency services and by taking appropriate measures to safeguard or evacuate workers, participants, visitors or audience according to established procedures.
  3. ... knows how to assess and react to an emergency, such as fires, threats, accidents or other calamities by alerting emergency services and by taking appropriate measures to safeguard or evacuate workers, participants, visitors or audience according to established procedures.
  4. ... is more than able to assess and react to an emergency, such as fires, threats, accidents or other calamities by alerting emergency services and by taking appropriate measures to safeguard or evacuate workers, participants, visitors or audience according to established procedures.

Acceptable assessment methods



[put tips, good practices, requirements, ... for training this competence here]


  • [put references to other competence systems here]