01 30 20 05 50 Plot lighting states with automated lights
Zuletzt geändert von Ivan Kharitonov am 2022/01/30 16:01
Plot lighting states with automated lights (01 30 20 05 50)
ESCO description
Title | Plot lighting states with automated lights |
Description: | Technically manipulate light boards for automated lights. Set up and try out lighting states with automated lights. |
Scope note: | n.a. |
Concept URI: | http://data.europa.eu/esco/skill/917a2511-aef4-4342-9a3d-023a93912b22 |
ESCO version: | 1.08 |
In other languages
Deutsch: | Beleuchtung mit automatischen Scheinwerfern planen (Technische Bedienung von Lichtpulten für die automatische Beleuchtung. Einrichten und Ausprobieren verschiedener Beleuchtungszustände mit automatischer Beleuchtung.) |
Nederlands: | status van belichting met automatische lichten plannen (Het technisch manipuleren van lichtborden voor geautomatiseerde verlichting. Belichtingen opstellen en uitproberen met automatische verlichting.) |
Italiano: | definire gli stadi di luminosità con luci automatiche (Manipolare tecnicamente i pannelli luminosi per le luci automatiche. Definire e provare gli stadi di illuminazione con luci automatiche.) |
Development notes
Status: final read / finalised (date)
(The notes below will be removed at the end of the project)
Sectoral layer
Sectoral detail
- Organise soft patch, universes and network
- Define colour pallets and positions
- Program groups
- Check correct functioning
- Bring up circuits and positions on request
- Program cues and times based on documentation as well as instruction
- Program invisible changes between cues
- Program effects
- Follow procedures for backup and hard copy
- Run during rehearsal independently as well as under instruction
- Add change and delete cues
- Adjust lighting states
- Mark changes to the script / cue sheet
- Reset cues on instruction
- Understand the functions of the light board
- Understand the procedures for programming
- Methods for adapting recorded lighting states
Autonomy / Attitude
- Patience
- Accuracy
- Respect for the artistic concept/process
Self assessment
- I don't know how to technically manipulate light boards for automated lights or set up and try out lighting states with automated lights.
- I am uncertain how to technically manipulate light boards for automated lights or set up and try out lighting states with automated lights.
- I know how to technically manipulate light boards for automated lights or set up and try out lighting states with automated lights.
- I am more than able to technically manipulate light boards for automated lights or set up and try out lighting states with automated lights.
Mentor assessment
- ... doesn't know how to technically manipulate light boards for automated lights or set up and try out lighting states with automated lights.
- ... is uncertain how to technically manipulate light boards for automated lights or set up and try out lighting states with automated lights.
- ... knows how to technically manipulate light boards for automated lights or set up and try out lighting states with automated lights.
- ... is more than able to technically manipulate light boards for automated lights or set up and try out lighting states with automated lights.
Acceptable assessment methods
Trainees should practice setting up and programming different automated lighting boards/consoles (types/manufacturers) on site or in a simulated environment.
- Germany: Fachkraft für Veranstaltungstechnik – Event Technology Specialist - Learning Area A: Skills, Knowledge and Competences – (Item 3.b) Select, connect and configure lighting instruments, lighting desks and additional devices, Programm lighting instruments and lighting desks, – BiBB Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, AUSBILDUNG GESTALTEN - Fachkraft für Veranstaltungstechnik, Bonn 2017, ISBN: 978-3-7639-5873-3 (Print), ISBN: 978-3-96208-021-1 (PDF)
- Netherlands: Qualification File Stage and Event Technology, crebonumber 79040, learning area P3-K2-W1: Repeteert de techniek t.b.v. de uitvoering van de podiumproductie. SBB, Sectorchambre ICT and Creative Industry, version 2022 (to be released August 2022), Zoetermeer 2021.