02 40 40 03 10 Use communication equipment
Use communication equipment (02 40 40 03 10)
ESCO description
Title | Use communication equipment |
Description: | Set up, test and operate different types of communication equipment such as transmission equipment, digital network equipment, or telecommunications equipment. |
Scope note: | n.a. |
Concept URI: | http://data.europa.eu/esco/skill/7373abdb-ee5a-4949-b4ae-dee60ab37914 |
ESCO version: | 1.08 |
In other languages
Deutsch: | Kommunikationsausrüstung einsetzen (Einrichtung, Erprobung und Betrieb verschiedener Arten von Kommunikationsgeräten, z. B. Übertragungsgeräten, digitaler Netzausrüstung oder Telekommunikationsausrüstung) |
Nederlands: | communicatiemateriaal gebruiken (Het opzetten, testen en bedienen van verschillende soorten communicatieapparatuur zoals transmissieapparatuur, digitale netwerkapparatuur of telecommunicatieapparatuur.) |
Italiano: | utilizzare le apparecchiature di comunicazione (Configurare, testare e utilizzare diversi tipi di apparecchiature di comunicazione, come apparecchiature di trasmissione, per reti digitali o di telecomunicazione.) |
Development notes
Status: final read / finalised (date)
(The notes below will be removed at the end of the project)
Sectoral layer
In the context of TeBeVAT, this refers to using and installing communication equipment in a live performance environment.
Sectoral detail
- Power up the equipment
- Testing the equipment
- Operate the equipment
- Knows how different communication systems work
- Knows standard communication procedures
Autonomy / attitude
Respect for the team
Able to follow instructions and procedures
Self assessment
- I don't know how to set up, test and operate different types of communication equipment such as transmission equipment, digital network equipment, or telecommunications equipment.
- I am uncertain how to set up, test and operate different types of communication equipment such as transmission equipment, digital network equipment, or telecommunications equipment.
- I know how to set up, test and operate different types of communication equipment such as transmission equipment, digital network equipment, or telecommunications equipment.
- I am more than able to set up, test and operate different types of communication equipment such as transmission equipment, digital network equipment, or telecommunications equipment.
Mentor assessment
- ... doesn't know how to set up, test and operate different types of communication equipment such as transmission equipment, digital network equipment, or telecommunications equipment.
- ... is uncertain how to set up, test and operate different types of communication equipment such as transmission equipment, digital network equipment, or telecommunications equipment.
- ... knows how to set up, test and operate different types of communication equipment such as transmission equipment, digital network equipment, or telecommunications equipment.
- ... is more than able to set up, test and operate different types of communication equipment such as transmission equipment, digital network equipment, or telecommunications equipment.
Acceptable assessment methods
Candidates should be trained in procedures how to prioritize communication and have experience with different communication systems.
- Germany: Fachkraft für Veranstaltungstechnik – Event Technology Specialist - Learning Area A: Skills, Knowledge and Competences – (Item 6c) Execute event performances and presentations, Operate technical equipment in a live environment and use them flexibly depending on the situation – BiBB Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, AUSBILDUNG GESTALTEN - Fachkraft für Veranstaltungstechnik, Bonn 2017, ISBN: 978-3-7639-5873-3 (Print), ISBN: 978-3-96208-021-1 (PDF)
- Netherlands: Qualification File Stage and Event Technology, crebonumber 79040, learning area P3-K2-W3: Bedient geluidstechniek tijdens de uitvoering van de podiumproductie. SBB, Sectorchambre ICT and Creative Industry, version 2022 (to be released August 2022), Zoetermeer 2021.
- TTT-LPT - Live Performance Techniques, Competence Units for Technical Theatre, 02 00 00 01 Use communication equipment - Page 54