Prevent fire in a performance environment (60 80 00 03 05)

ESCO description

Title Prevent fire in a performance environment
Description:Take steps to prevent fire in a performance environment. Make sure the space
complies with fire safety rules, with sprinklers and fire extinguishers installed where necessary. Make sure staff are aware of fire prevention measures.
Scope note:Excludes the actual fire intervention and evacuation organisation.
Concept URI:
ESCO version:1.08

In other languages

Deutsch:Bränden auf der Bühne vorbeugen (Ergreifen von Maßnahmen zur Vorbeugung von Bränden auf der Bühne. Sicherstellen, dass der Bereich den Brandschutzvorschriften entspricht und ggf. Sprinkler und Feuerlöscher installiert sind. Sicherstellen, dass das Personal über Brandschutzmaßnahmen informiert ist.)
Nederlands:brandpreventie uitvoeren bij optredens (Stappen nemen om brand bij optredens te voorkomen. Zorg er indien nodig voor dat de ruimten voldoen aan de brandveiligheidsvoorschriften door installatie van sprinklers en blustoestellen. Zorg ervoor dat het personeel op de hoogte is van brandpreventiemaatregelen.)
Italiano:prevenire gli incendi negli ambienti per spettacoli (Adottare misure per prevenire gli incendi in un ambiente per spettacoli. Garantire che lo spazio sia conforme alle norme di sicurezza antincendio, con installazione, ove necessario, di impianti antincendio e estintori. Assicurarsi che il personale sia a conoscenza delle misure di prevenzione degli incendi.)

Development notes

Status:  final read / finalised (date)

(The notes below will be removed at the end of the project)



Sectoral layer

Sectoral detail


  • Identifies, spots and reduces fire risks.
  • Checks used materials for fire resistance.
  • Ensures safe distance to hot surfaces.
  • Ensures free access to firefighting equipment.
  • Ensures free access to emergency exits and escape routes.
  • Ensures visibility of safety icons, safety and emergency lighting.
  • Acts according to the agreed procedure in case of a fire accident.
  • Stores flammable substances according to instructions and regulations.


  • Fire theory
  • Fire classes
  • Risks of fire, smoke and CO
  • Firefighting signs
  • Evacuation routes and compartments
  • Emergency escape or first‐aid signs
  • Properties of materials
  • Safety distances
  • Storage of hazardous substances

Autonomy / attitude

  • Safety awareness


Self assessment

  1. I don't know how to take steps to prevent fire in a performance environment. I don't know how to make sure the space complies with fire safety rules, with sprinklers and fire extinguishers installed where necessary nor make sure staff are aware of fire prevention measures.
  2. I am uncertain how to take steps to prevent fire in a performance environment. I have difficulties making sure the space complies with fire safety rules, with sprinklers and fire extinguishers installed where necessary and making sure staff are aware of fire prevention measures.
  3. I know how to take steps to prevent fire in a performance environment. I know how to make sure the space complies with fire safety rules, with sprinklers and fire extinguishers installed where necessary and make sure staff are aware of fire prevention measures.
  4. I am more than able to take steps to prevent fire in a performance environment. I am more than able to make sure the space complies with fire safety rules, with sprinklers and fire extinguishers installed where necessary and make sure staff are aware of fire prevention measures.

Mentor assessment

  1. ... doesn't know how to take steps to prevent fire in a performance environment. ... doesn't know how to make sure the space complies with fire safety rules, with sprinklers and fire extinguishers installed where necessary nor make sure staff are aware of fire prevention measures.
  2. ... is uncertain how to take steps to prevent fire in a performance environment. ... has difficulties making sure the space complies with fire safety rules, with sprinklers and fire extinguishers installed where necessary and making sure staff are aware of fire prevention measures.
  3. ... knows how to take steps to prevent fire in a performance environment. ... knows how to make sure the space complies with fire safety rules, with sprinklers and fire extinguishers installed where necessary and make sure staff are aware of fire prevention measures.
  4. ... is more than able to take steps to prevent fire in a performance environment. ... is more than able to make sure the space complies with fire safety rules, with sprinklers and fire extinguishers installed where necessary and make sure staff are aware of fire prevention measures.

Acceptable assessment methods


Initially, candidates are trained to identify, spot and reduce fire risks, check materials for fire resistance and keeping safe distance to hot surfaces. Awareness is developed for free access to firefighting equipment, emergency exits and escape routes and the visibility of safety icons, safety and emergency lighting. Storage of flammable substances is trained. Participants get an extended briefing on the agreed procedure in case of a fire accident. After initial training continuous attention to participant behaviour is needed during day to day activities.


  • Belgium: In Belgium the final responsibility for fire prevention lays on the level of the community. Every community can ask higher standards or release the owner of the place from certain national requirements. Following Belgium laws regulate fire prevention: ARAB art. 52.8 ( )
  • Belgium: Codex over het welzijn op het werk, Boek III.- Arbeidsplaatsen, Titel 3.– Brandpreventie op de arbeidsplaatsen
  • Belgium: Codex over het welzijn op het werk, Boek III.- Arbeidsplaatsen, Titel 5.– Opslagplaatsen voorontvlambare vloeistoffen,
  • Belgium: VLAREM (Flamish enviremental legislation, see ch 5.32 for entertainment buildings
  • ETTE - European Theatre Technicians Education, Basic safety for the theatre and event industry - Prevent fire in a performance environment, released 2017, ISBN: 978-3-9819148-0-1: Teachers Handbook English, 978-3-9819148-1-8: Students Handbook English, 978-3-9819148-2-5: Assessors Handbook English
  • Germany: Fachkraft für Veranstaltungstechnik – Event Technology Specialist - Learning Area B: Integrative Skills, Knowledge and Competences – (Item 3d) Apply fire prevention protection regulations; Describe fire behavior and take fire fighting measures, General provisions for fire prevention and explosion protection, Rules of conduct in the event of fire and fire-fighting measures, Sources of ignition and highly flammable substances, Differentiate fire protection requirements for equipment, props and decorations, Mode of action and areas of application of extinguishing devices and aids, Use hand-held fire extinguishers and fire blankets, Emergency calls and message chains – BiBB Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, AUSBILDUNG GESTALTEN - Fachkraft für Veranstaltungstechnik, Bonn 2017, ISBN: 978-3-7639-5873-3 (Print), ISBN: 978-3-96208-021-1 (PDF)
  • Germany: Technische Regel für Arbeitsstätten ASR A2.2 Ma.nahmen gegen Brände | DIN 14096, Brandschutzordnung - Regeln für das Erstellen und das Aushängen
  • Germany: Sicherheit bei Veranstaltungen und Produktionen – Brandschutz im Dekorationsbau, VBG,
  • Germany: Center/DE/Broschuere/Branchen/Buehnen_und_Studios/Sicherheit_bei_Veranstaltungen_und_Produktionen_Brandschutz_im_Dekorationsbau_DGUV_Information_215_316.pdf;jsessionid=23D67821E3732A949CFC2768C22F0DFA.live3?__blob=publicationFile&v=9
  • Germany: Sicherheit bei Veranstaltungen und Produktionen, Pyrotechnik, Nebel und andere szenische Effekte, VBG,
  • Germany: Center/DE/Broschuere/Branchen/Buehnen_und_Studios/Sicherheit_bei_Veranstaltungen_und_Produktionen_Pyrotechnik_DGUV_Information_215_312.pdf;jsessionid=23D67821E3732A949CFC2768C22F0DFA.live3?__blob=publicationFile&v=4
  • Netherlands: Nederlandse Branche Regeling NBR2011:01
  • Netherlands: Bouwbesluit 1992 / 2003 / 2012
  • Netherlands: Brandveiligheid bij evenementen in sporthallen in-sporthallen-27046
  • Netherlands: Brandveiligheid, Brandweer Nederland, NL,
  • Sweden: 5-8 ETTE Teachers and Trainers manual v.01.00.EN.01.DEV SRVFS 2004:3 - Systematiskt brandskyddsarbete
  • United Kingdom: 5.0.10 Links to further reading UCL Fire Technical Note - TN006, GENERAL FIRE SAFETY TERMS & DEFINITIONS
  • NIST Fire Research Division

