Advise client on technical possibilities (80 00 10 04 10)

ESCO description

TitleAdvise client on technical possibilities
Description:Recommend technical solutions, including systems, to the client within the framework of a project.
Scope note:n.a.
Concept URI:
ESCO version:1.08

In other languages

Deutsch:Kunden/Kundinnen über technische Möglichkeiten beraten
(Empfehlen technischer Lösungen, einschließlich Systemen, für Kunden im Rahmen eines Projekts.)
Nederlands:klant raad geven over technische mogelijkheden (In het kader van een project technische oplossingen, met inbegrip van systemen, aanbevelen aan de cliënt.)
Italiano:offrire consulenza a clienti sulle possibilità tecniche (Raccomandare soluzioni tecniche, compresi i sistemi, al cliente nell’ambito di un progetto.)

Development notes

Status: final read / finalised (date)

(The notes below will be removed at the end of the project)



Sectoral layer

Scope note

"Client" in this case can also be a designer, director or another member of the design team.


Field and subfield:80 00
Place in the process:10
Unique identifier:10


Sectoral detail


  • analyse context within the production
  • use expertise of the available technical solutions
  • advise solutions
  • explain consequences


  • equipment / technical solutions

Autonomy / attitude

  • Problem-solving approach
  • Respect for the artistic concept/process


Self assessment

  1. I don't know how to apply one's expertise of technical systems to advise the client about the possibility or specifics of a project.
  2. I am uncertain how to apply one's expertise of technical systems to advise the client about the possibility or specifics of a project.
  3. I know how to apply one's expertise of technical systems to advise the client about the possibility or specifics of a project.
  4. I am more than able to apply one's expertise of technical systems to advise the client about the possibility or specifics of a project.

Mentor assessment

  1. ... doesn't know how to apply one's expertise of technical systems to advise the client about the possibility or specifics of a project.
  2. ... is uncertain how to apply one's expertise of technical systems to advise the client about the possibility or specifics of a project.
  3. ... knows how to apply one's expertise of technical systems to advise the client about the possibility or specifics of a project
  4. ... is more than able to apply one's expertise of technical systems to advise the client about the possibility or specifics of a project.

Acceptable assessment methods


Role playing is a good method for training, using different situations and venues while switching roles.


  • Germany: Fachkraft für Veranstaltungstechnik – Event Technology Specialist - Learning Area A: Skills, Knowledge and Competences – (Item 4.1b) Check the technical implementation possibilities of requirements for feasibility and develop them with the stakeholders, Define the technical feasibility, Assess the technical implementation effort, Recognize difficulties and offer solutions – BiBB Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, AUSBILDUNG GESTALTEN - Fachkraft für Veranstaltungstechnik, Bonn 2017, ISBN: 978-3-7639-5873-3 (Print), ISBN: 978-3-96208-021-1 (PDF)
  • Netherlands: Qualification File Stage and Event Technology, crebonumber 79040, learning area P3-K1-W2: Ontwikkelt technisch plan voor de podiumproductie.  Sectorchambre ICT and Creative Industry, version 2022 (to be released August 2022), Zoetermeer 2021.
