Advise on training courses (90 10 00 05 75)

ESCO description

Titleadvise on training courses
Description:Provide information on possible training options or qualifications and available funding resources, depending on the needs and educational background of the individual.
Scope note:[put ESCO scope note here]
Concept URI:
ESCO version:1.09

In other languages

Deutsch:über Schulungen informieren
Nederlands:advies geven over trainingen
Italiano:fornire informazioni sui corsi di formazione

Development notes

Status: In progress / second read / finalised (date)

(The notes below will be removed at the end of the project)

In progress SKR

Sectoral layer

(The sector layer contains the refined definition of the ESCO competences in sector specific wording)


Field and subfield:90 10
Place in the process:00
Unique identifier:75


Sectoral detail


  • provide information in a proper way
  • recognise the needs and educational background of the individual
  • present specific information in a proper way


  • knowledge about available training options
  • knowledge about available funding options

Autonomy / attitude

  • Problem-solving approach
  • Preparedness for LifeLong-Learning


Self assessment

  1. I don't know how to provide information on possible training options or qualifications and available funding resources, depending on the needs and educational background of the individual.
  2. I am uncertain how to provide information on possible training options or qualifications and available funding resources, depending on the needs and educational background of the individual.
  3. I know how to provide information on possible training options or qualifications and available funding resources, depending on the needs and educational background of the individual.
  4. I am more than able to provide information on possible training options or qualifications and available funding resources, depending on the needs and educational background of the individual.

Mentor assessment

  1. ... doesn't know how to provide information on possible training options or qualifications and available funding resources, depending on the needs and educational background of the individual.
  2. ... is uncertain how to provide information on possible training options or qualifications and available funding resources, depending on the needs and educational background of the individual.
  3. ... knows how to provide information on possible training options or qualifications and available funding resources, depending on the needs and educational background of the individual.
  4. ... is more than able to provide information on possible training options or qualifications and available funding resources, depending on the needs and educational background of the individual.

Acceptable assessment methods

[remove methods not used]


For a good overlook about the existing training and funding options, it is necessary to have basic knowledge about the available courses and fundings. This can be taught in classroom environment. To train the skill of advising courses, a piratical unit with interaction is recommended.


  • [put references to other competence systems here]