Title (92 20 00 05 81) Deliberate prior learning assessment results

ESCO description

TitleDeliberate prior learning assessment results 
Description:Interchange observations and negotiate a final rating with other assessors. Align different views and reach consensus on the performance of the candidate.
Scope note:n.a.
Concept URI:http://data.europa.eu/esco/skill/1cbeb169-76fe-4865-be00-6c7618c5fd9f
ESCO version:1.10

In other languages


Ergebnisse der Bewertung früherer Lernerfahrungen festhalten (Austauschen von Beobachtungen und Aushandeln einer endgültigen Bewertung mit anderen Beurteilern. Unterschiedliche Ansichten in Einklang bringen und Erzielen eines Konsenses über die Leistung des Bewerbers.)

Nederlands:Overleggen over beoordelingsresultaten van eerdere leerervaringen (Observaties uitwisselen en onderhandelen over een definitieve beoordeling met andere beoordelaars. Verschillende standpunten op elkaar afstemmen en een consensus bereiken over de prestaties van de kandidaat.)
Italiano:[put title in Italian here] ([ put description in Italian here] )

Sectoral layer

Sectoral detail

Expertise in the field of event and live-performance technology is necessary for assessment in TeBeVAT.


  • interchange observations of assessment process with other assessors
  • negotiate a common final rating based on the own an other assessor's observations
  • align different views and reach consensus of the candidate's rating


  • knowledge about rating criteria
  • knowledge about strategies of synchronising different performance ratings

Autonomy / attitude

  • sense of methodology
  • being realistic


Self assessment

  1. I don't know how to interchange observations and negotiate a final rating with other assessors. Align different views and reach consensus on the performance of the candidate.
  2. I am uncertain how to interchange observations and negotiate a final rating with other assessors. Align different views and reach consensus on the performance of the candidate.
  3. I know how to interchange observations and negotiate a final rating with other assessors. Align different views and reach consensus on the performance of the candidate.
  4. I am more than able to interchange observations and negotiate a final rating with other assessors. Align different views and reach consensus on the performance of the candidate.

Mentor assessment

  1. ... doesn't know how to interchange observations and negotiate a final rating with other assessors. Align different views and reach consensus on the performance of the candidate.
  2. ... is uncertain how to interchange observations and negotiate a final rating with other assessors. Align different views and reach consensus on the performance of the candidate.
  3. ... knows how to interchange observations and negotiate a final rating with other assessors. Align different views and reach consensus on the performance of the candidate.
  4. ... is more than able to interchange observations and negotiate a final rating with other assessors. Align different views and reach consensus on the performance of the candidate.

Acceptable assessment methods


Guided workshop for junior assessors together with senior assessors to exchange experiences.


  • ETTEC assessment and teaching training: Assessment Procedure ETTE 
Erstellt von Randell Greenlee am 2022/09/15 11:25