Lighting Unit
Lighting Unit Description
Lighting for events and live performance is the use of light as it applies to lighting the performer, sets, products or the event orperformance space. Many different special types of lighting instruments are used in this vocation.
The personnel who install, operate, and control the equipment are commonly referred to as lighting technicians. The equipment that was originally used for theatrical performances (e.g. cabling, dimmers, lighting instruments, controllers) can be found in many event and live-performance lighting applications, including the theatre, corporate events, concerts, trade shows, broadcast television, film production, photographic studios, and other types of live events.
The competences listed in TeBeVAT are common for lighting technicians in all areas of lighting in the sector.
Scope note
ESCO: essential skills/competences of
Lighting Technician
Light Board Operator
Theatre Technician
Stage Technician
The Work Organisation Unit competences are a prerequisite as a basis for all units.
Planning (10)
01 00 10 04 20 - Draw up lighting plan (Create technical drawings and documentation within the lighting department).
30 00 10 03 10 - Translate artistic concepts to technical designs (Cooperate with the artistic team in order to facilitate the transition from the creative vision and its artistic concepts to a technical design.)
70 20 10 04 30 - Plan teamwork (Organise the working schedule of a group of people in order to meet all time and quality requirements.)
70 30 10 05 10 - Develop project schedule (Define the project completion stages and create a timeline. Synchronise necessary activities, taking into account the convergence of production elements. Establish a schedule.)
70 51 10 04 10 - Analyse the need for technical resources (Define and make a list of the required resources and equipment based on the technical needs of the production.)
70 51 10 03 30 - Organise resources for artistic production (Coordinate resources within artistic productions, based on the given documentation e.g. scripts.)
70 56 10 05 30 - Budget set costs (Prepare set production budgets.)
80 00 10 04 10 - Advise client on technical possibilities (Apply one's expertise of technical systems to advise the client about the possibility or specifics of a project.)
Preparing (20)
01 00 20 04 10 - Read lighting plans (Interpret the instructions on the light plan to determine the lighting equipment needed).
01 00 20 04 23 - Prevent technical problems with lighting equipment (Anticipate on possible technical problems with lighting equipment).
01 00 20 04 25 - Set up lightIng board/console (Install, connect and try out lighting board/console in a live performance environment.)
01 00 20 04 26 - Distribute control signals (Circulate control signals between light boards, dimmers and another lighting equipment. Control systems can be either DMX or network based.)
01 00 20 04 28 - Operate dimmer equipment (Set up, connect and operate dimmer equipment (with plug and socket) in a live performance environment.)
01 00 20 04 29 – Install lighting (Set up, connect and test lighting equipment in a live performance environment.)
01 00 20 04 30 - Focus lighting equipment (Set already installed conventional lighting equipment, based on directions and information from somebody on the floor.)
01 00 20 04 50 - Plot lighting states (Set up and try out lighting states. These control the lights on stage by the use of levers or pushes.)
01 10 20 03 10 - Set up follow spots (Install and test follow spots in different types of locations.)
01 30 20 04 20 - Rig automated lights (Connect, try out, rig and de‐rig automated lights and replace optical accessories.)
01 30 20 05 50 - Plot lighting states with automated lights (Technically manipulate light boards for automated lights. Set up and try out lighting states with automated lights.)
15 50 20 04 10 - Pack electronic equipment (Safely pack sensitive electronic equipment for storage and transport.)
30 00 20 04 10 - Adapt existing designs to changed circumstances (Alter an existing design to changed circumstances and ensure that the artistic quality of the original design is reflected in the final result.)
30 00 20 04 15 - Adapt artistic plan to location (Accommodate plans to other locations with respect for the artistic concept.)
30 00 20 04 20 - Support a designer in the developing process (Provide assistance and support to designers throughout the course of the development process.)
70 51 20 04 10 - Check material resources (Verify that all requested resources are delivered and in good working order. Notify the appropriate person or people of any problems related to technical and material resources.)
Rehearsing (30)
30 00 30 03 10 - Adapt to artists' creative demands (Work with artists, striving to understand the creative vision and adapting to it. Make full use of your expertise and capabilities to reach the best possible result.)
Running the Show (40)
00 00 40 03 10 - Communicate during show (Interact efficiently during a live performance, in order to anticipate any possible malfunctionings).
01 00 40 04 50 - Operate a lighting console (Handle a light board during rehearsal or live situations, based on visual cues or documentation.)
01 10 40 03 10 - Operate follow spots (Use follow spots during a live performance based on visual cues or documentation.)
03 10 40 03 22 - Follow time cues (Observe the conductor, orchestra or director and follow text and vocal scores to time cues accurately.)
After the Show (50)
00 00 50 03 10 - De‐rig electronic equipment (Remove and store various types of electronic equipment safely after use).
00 00 50 03 20 - Store performance equipment (Dismantle sound, light and video equipment in a safely manner after a performance).
15 20 50 04 10 - Pack electronic equipment (Safely pack sensitive electronic equipment for storage and transport.)
Maintenance (60)
01 00 60 04 10 - Maintain lighting equipment (Check, maintain and repair electrical, mechanical and optical lighting elements.)
01 00 60 04 11 - Maintain dimmer equipment (Check and operate dimmer equipment. Take the appropriate steps if the equipment is defective, correcting the defect yourself or forwarding it to specialised repair service.)
01 30 60 04 10 - Maintain automated lighting equipment (Set up, check and repair automated lighting equipment and maintain its software.)